Chapter 5

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A/n: Thank you all for over 1k reads!! The book will be in Louis' pov, if not, I'll make sure to tell you all.

"Lets go to bed Princess."

I wake up to the smell of bacon cooking. Did mum take the day off, I wonder. As I sit up in bed, I notice the bed is way more softer thank my regular bed. I look down and see that the blankets are red, and feel like silk, not my cotton blue blankets. I look around the room, and it has black walls, not my light purple walls, there is a dresser where my TV would be. Where am I?

Then I remember. Harry, him breaking in my house, me coming with him, God, I thought that was a dream! What do i do now? Do I go down there? There could be more criminals like him down there. What did he even do? He could be a murder for all I know!

I smell the bacon again, my stomach starts growling. I look over at the clock, seven am, I haven't eaten in over day. Why did I sleep for so long? I mean I can sleep for a long time, but sleeping for almost a day? Then I remember, Harry said he gave me a sleeping shot. I also remember me calling him daddy. I can feel my face heating up, why did I call him that? I don't even know where that came from, I guess he just reminded me of my father, they are both very controlling.

"Princess, can you come here?" I hear Harry calling up. I guess I have to go down there now. I take my time getting out of the bed, I'm not in a rush. I open the door and walk down the hallway. I see a lot of doors down the hallway. One is labeled Hacker another one Cleaner, one Torturer, and the one I came out of, Boss.
I wonder what they are for.

I finish my trek down the hallway and the stairs. I go through what I assume is the living room, and into a kitchen. I see Harry made bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, and toast, he is putting all the food in another room. I decide to follow him. In the new room, I see him putting the food in front of three other boys.

The table is arranged with two chairs on both sides and one at the head of the table. The one on the right of the head chair has obviously died blonde hair, the one next to him has blonde and black hair, the boy one the other side of him has brow hair. The one with brown hair looks at me. His eyes are a puppy brown and he has some facial hair. He makes eye contact and smiles.

Harry turns around to see what he is smiling at. When he sees me, he starts smiling to. "Princess," he says happily, "Come sit down, I want you to meet some people." He says, motioning me to sit next to puppy eyes. I sit in the chair, and he sits at the head of the table.

I see the blonde one has beautiful blue eyes, and the one next to him has hazel eyes. I look over to Harry, silently asking him who they are. He seems to get the hint cause he says, "Princess, I want you to meet my best mates. This is Niall", he gestures to the blonde one, "Zayn", he looks mean, "And Liam," he points to puppy eyes, he seems like he is the nicest one here.

"They work and live with us."
A/n: I hope you all liked this chapter, I actually did. Harry's birthday is tomorrow, my little frog is growing up *wipes tear* Anyways, what do you guys think about Zayns new song?
Okay so important business, please comment on which ship you vote for.




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