Chapter 18

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Louis skipped down the stairs giddily when he heard his name called. Harry was in the living room on his computer going over the details of an upcoming client. He had decided to take Louis on another date-this time a little more successful and not full of death.

"Hi, Harry," Louis giggled, making Harry smile. "Where's Niall, Liam, and Zaynie?"

Harry frowned when he realized that Louis had made a nickname for Zayn, but decided to not speak out on it. "They're out on a deal, princess. Today, I was thinking about it just being me and you. There's this really nice restaurant in town that I'd like to take you to. Think of it as another date. Are you up for it?"

Louis smiled as he placed himself on Harry's lap and wrapped his arms around him. "I'd absolutely love to, Harry! What time would we be going?"

"Maybe in about three hours. You should start getting ready now. Wear something classy, love. This place is a little fancy."

"Okay, Harry. I can't wait!" Louis sloppily kissed Harry's cheek and hopped off his lap to run upstairs into their room. Harry frowned to himself when realizing what he'd just done.

No one knew about this date. Not the boss, not Liam, not Niall, and not Zayn. Harry actually wanted to spend time with Louis and take him out on a real date. None of this was part of the plan. Harry knew that the others suspected something was going on. He could see the looks they gave each other. Of course, none of them had the balls to go against him, especially for everything's he's done for them.

Harry decided to block all the potential issues out of his mind and closed his lap top to go upstairs and start showering. Today was just his day. Him and Louis.





Louis applied a light pink gloss to his lips and smacked them together. He smiled at himself in the mirror, content with what he put together for the event. He was wearing white skinny jeans that were high-waisted with a nice black velvet crop top. He paired it with red heels and one of Harry's red leather jacket for a pop of color. His hair was extra fluffy and feathery today, so he still looked like a child in his badass outfit.

Harry waited downstairs for Louis. He gaped when he saw him walk down the stairs with a smirk planted on this plump lips. Harry wanted to take him right then and there, but he wanted tonight to be special.

"You look good, Harry," Louis smiled. Harry had a simple black shirt, blazer, and skinny jeans on. Harry had a devilish grin as he suddenly pushed Louis against the wall, placing his large hands on his dainty hips.

"You look beautiful, princess." Harry brought his lips to the shell of Louis' ear, nibbling softly on the lobe. Louis giggled and his cheeks turned into a very bright crimson color. His lips parted slightly and he almost gave himself up when Harry moved down to his neck, but then he remembered that they had an actual date to get to.

"Harry, n-not right now. W-we have a dinner." Louis almost whined when Harry pulled away.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, love. Let's be on our way before we miss our reservation." And with that, the two got into Harry's Range Rover and began to drive, but not without blindfolding Louis.





The restaurant was very high end, and only the richest of the town were able to afford the food around here. Louis was shocked to see how nice the place looked, and he was shocked when he already chatting with men in suits.

"You know these people?" Louis whispered in Harry's ear as they walked in.

Harry smirked. "Of course I do. You see all these wealthy people, princess? They never go to work without getting high. I've been supplying them for years. These men are regulars."

Louis nodded, still a bit confused. They walked in and were immediately sent to a very fancy looking booth. They sat across each other and just stared for a moment before Harry cleared his throat. He was new to this date thing."

"How do you like the place?"

Louis smiled. "It's very high end. You know I would've been fine with a simple diner, right?"

Harry laughed. "You deserve more than just a diner, princess," he muttered. Oddly, he wasn't lying. He believed that Louis deserved more than he got. Louis didn't have a very nice childhood, and Harry had an urge to shower him in gifts.

Louis blushed and picked up his menu. His eyes widened at all the foods-some he couldn't pronounce-and nearly began to sweat. The waiter came to them with a smile, but his smile dropped when he saw Harry. It was only for a moment before a bigger smile returned. Louis noticed, but Harry didn't.

"Hello, my name is Denny, and I'll be your server for today. May I start you off with a drink?"

Harry didn't notice Denny staring at Louis. "We'll both have the watermelon infused water, please." Louis didn't say anything and assumed Harry knew what he was doing.

"And for appetizers?"

"French onion tartlets please-"

"And mozzarella sticks too, please," Louis interrupted Harry. Harry raised an eyebrow, but nodded nonetheless.

"That'll be out right away."

Harry smiled at Louis. "I've noticed that you're not used to all this fancy stuff, yeah?"

Louis shook his head. "I didn't grow up in the most fortunate household. What do you expect?" Louis pondered for a moment. "I've never asked you about your childhood, though. What was that like?"

Harry sent Louis a sad smile. "I learned how to use a gun when I was only five, princess. It was pretty aggressive. Something I wouldn't talk about."

Louis nodded. "Fair enough. Do you think the boys like me? I mean, they were sent to kill me. Speaking of that time, why wouldn't Dan have sent you as well. You're basically their boss."

For once, Harry was caught off guard. He didn't know how to respond, and he knew that he'd stutter. So he just shrugged and changed the subject.

For the rest of the night, Harry and Louis talked about everything and anything from what drugs did what to which dog breed was the cutest. Harry showed a lot more than Louis expected, and he liked it. Harry was actually a very fun and chill person, aside from the fact that he's a drug dealer. After today, Louis knew just how much he loved the guy.

Hey guys, it's Mani. It's been a while since I've updated because I just had the biggest writer's block ever. Us co-workers have finally gotten a way to finish up the story, but the others are unavailable at the moment so I'll be updating. I wanted to have sort of a filler chapter to just have a peaceful chapter before the drama REALLY begins. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry it kinda sucks.


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