Chapter 12

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"Now we want to know about you."

Louis' POV

I looked away from Harry and kept my gaze on the ground. My past wasn't something I really liked talking about, but I couldn't ignore the topic. I decided that I would tell them about it, because I knew that I was going to be around them for quite some time. They deserved to know something about me.

"Well, my past wasn't the best life ever. My dad left me when I was a little boy, so I don't know much about him. I was the only boy in my house for a while. All my siblings were girls. Soon enough, my mum got remarried to another man. We were a nice little family. My step-dad was part of some huge incorporation and made a lot of money. He loved having a son; that is until I started dressing up like a girl and began to put on makeup. He hated me after that. I wasn't allowed to go out unless I looked like a boy and if he caught me with a skirt on he'd try to beat me. My mum wouldn't let that happen, though. "

Everyone was quiet. I assumed they didn't know what to say, and I didn't blame them because I've probably put them in an uncomfortable position. Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn all looked at me with pity seeping through their eyes. Harry grabbed my hand and began rubbing circles on the top of it with the pad of his thumb. It began to soothe me, and I decided to continue with ease.

"That's how it was for my lifetime, and that sick person my sisters call a step-father still lives back at my house. I know that he truly loves my mother and he doesn't treat her like he treats me. He loves my sisters too, and they love him. He even loved me at one point until h-he found out that I wa-wasn't n-normal." I felt tears prickle my eyes. I knew that my step-dad was a good man, but it pained me to know that he was like this; violent and rude to people who didn't just like the opposite gender or people who didn't want to wear what their gender should apparently be wearing.

Harry wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Princess, you're normal just like a lot of other people in this world. You're not crazy or anything, baby. You're special. You're a special little kitten, placed on this earth to live a beautiful life. You shouldn't have been treated that way. It was for nothing. You did nothing wrong. That's just how you were born."

I looked into Harry's shining green eyes with a small smile and laid my head on his shoulder. He really was there for me.

But of course, the dreaded question had to be asked, which brought everything downhill.

"Who was your dad?" Harry asked.

"Dan Deakin," I replied. "You might've heard of him?"

Zayn and Liam immediately tensed up and looked uncomfortable and nervous, while Niall had a confused look on his face as if he were trying to rack up memories of that name. Moments late, Niall finally spoke up.

"Wait, isn't that the dude who paid us to try and kill his son?"

I froze. Zayn and Liam stayed quiet, obviously too afraid to speak. I looked over to Harry. Harry's jaw was clenched and you could see the veins popping out of his neck. He was angry.

"What did you just say?" Harry spoke through gritted teeth.

Nobody said a word.

"Answer me!" Harry suddenly screamed, and I gasped in shock. Who knew he could get this upset?

"U-uh....w-well..." Niall tried to speak but he was shaking too much and he couldn't stop fidgeting.

The sad thing was that I knew exactly what the two were talking about. I remembered that day clearly. It was traumatizing. I never knew the three people who tried to literally kill me would be Harry's workers. I knew they sort of looked familiar.

"What, now you can't speak?" Harry hissed.

"Harry," I muttered, sternly. I looked into his eyes and he visibly relaxed. "Please calm down. I could get you water if you'd like."

Harry shook his head, taking a deep breathe in and letting it go slowly. "If one of you don't tell me exactly what the hell you're talking about, I will not hesitate to shoot all three of you."

Still, no one spoke. Harry sighed and got a gun out, making gasp and push myself away from him. Harry looked at me in amusement for a minute. "You're gonna be seeing a lot more of these, princess. Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Zayn suddenly took out a gun and directed it to Harry, making Harry press a button. The weapon made a little clicking sound, but it didn't shoot.

"So you're gonna turn on me now, huh?" Harry scoffed.

Zayn's gun was making a rattling noise, so you could tell he was visibly shaking. I knew he wasn't going to kill Harry. Harry has been there for him and helped him get his life back. He couldn't just do that.

"Zayn, please. Put the fucking gun down," Liam spoke up and put his hand on Zayn's shoulder. "I'll explain if both of you put your guns down."

"So be it." Harry placed his gun near his feet and crossed his arms. Zayn also put his gun down. "Now speak."

Liam took a shaky breath, and began to tell the story.

"So one day, this man named Dan Deakin came up to Niall, Zayn, and I, he told us that he wanted us to do something for him. He said he would pay us one thousand euros each, and we immediately said yes, bit we didn't know what the job was. After we agreed, he pulled out a picture from his pocket. He told us he wanted the boy in the picture dead. I understood what he meant, and I was fine with that. He gave us a date, place and time, that was when we were going to kill him. On that day, we got ready, we told you about the job, but not who it was. When we got there, we saw him immediately. I had wondered why Dan wanted him dead, but I figured it out quickly. Louis looked beyond scared when he saw us, I looked over at Zayn and Niall, and knew what we had to do. We weren't going to kill him, we decided to just rough him up a bit so it looked like we tried to. So we pushed him, kicked him a bit, and we let him run away. That's all that happened, I promise."

Harry looked at me, as to confirm the story. I nodded my head yes, but I don't really know, all I know is three men tried to hurt me that day. I know Dan hates me, but I never thought he would try and kill me. With that thought, my eyes start to tear up, I stand up and run all the way to Harry's room. I shut and lock the door, and fall on the bed crying.
A/n Guess who decided to update after 20 years? I did!! I'm so sorry that the updates haven't been going as frequently anymore, but I have this problem right now and it toes a lot of energy out of me. So I hope you liked this chapter, I have a surprise for the next one.

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