some basic #1 rules we live by

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these are some rules us girls live by.

1: we CANNOT! date and ex of our friends. that includes past crushes, a guy that has used or humiliated her, or the guy she currently likes. exception: she gave us permission.

2: it is perfectly fine for us to dislike and judge another girl before we know and talk to them.

3: chocolate is an accepted food for anytime so shut up.

4: every girl has the right to lie to keep a secret told to her by her best friend.

5: if given a complement by a fellow girl we must find something about her to complement on then or later in the day.

6: it is our job as a girl to give dirty looks

7: given the time we are friends with the girl that are best friend dislikes/ hates is a shady area. if we do want to keep being their friend, we have to keep it on the down low.

8: if our girlfriends boyfriend is lacking good looks, and is being questioned about it, has to describe him as "cute"

9: we are always right until proven wrong. and even then we still believe were right.

10: we have to go through childbirth, peirods, waxing. we have a duty as women to make the male species feel our pain through the use of an argument.

11: if any of you guys say that you love chick flicks we all know that you either after something or your gay. we will look at you in suspicion. we will make you watch the sadest chick flic we can think of and if you survived that, we will consider you geniune but trust you at our own risks.

12: two friends will not hook up with the same guy in the same night. we have dignity thank you!

13: thongs + short skirts = BIG NO NO

14: if we sleep with more than five men in our lifetime it did not make us a whore. if we sleep with more than five men in a week it does.

15: any or every single girl has the right to complain and hate valentines day and has the right to say something to their other fellow single girlfriends

16: if one of our girlfriends is hooking up with a guy under the influence of alcohol, we have the right as women to keep her away from that guy if we know she will regret it in the morning.

17: if we just got dumped, we have every right to eat a box of chocolates or whole tub of ice cream by ourself without being judged. thank you very much!

18: guys, if we don't like you.. and you ask is out.. we will tell you that we have a boyfriend and our fellow girls will back us up and play along

19: if you ask us how many guys we slept with, we don't have to tell you the truth

20: guys, if you make a mad or any way to make us not like you at the time. we will come up with the cutest nickname for you and use it around your friends as punishment

21: if we say I love you, we mean it.

22: in no way do we have to mean what we say when talking to you guys. like

yes = no

no= yes

maybe =no

we need= i want

we need to talk= your in trouble

sure, go ahead= you better not

do what you want= youll pay for it later

im not upset= of course i am!

23: a boyfriend has to be around for at least 6 weeks to earn the name status from her friends instead of being called "that guy"

24: every guy that sticks around for after 6 weeks is considered "Mr. Right Now". he's not "Mr. Right" but he can be considered "Mr. Right Now" for anow

25: every girl must wait a day and a half before calling the guys number that she's received

26: we will always choose our fellow girls over you guys. in simpler terms:

chicks before dicks


sisters before misters

simple as that

27: at any given time we see one of our girlfriends look bad (cake face or slutty or just plain horrible that day) we must and will help them.

28: guys, if you see our group together dancing, DO NOT APPROACH! we will stick together at all times. wait untill the girl you have the hots for distances herself from the others.

29: guys, if your drunk and see a girl you really like dancing but shes sober... back the fuck off.

30: we will not hit, slap, or scratch you. we will just kick you in your junk and get it over with.


thats all for today.



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