stuff about girls that can be confusing

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or whatever your language is.


today im talking about things girls do that you guys dont understand why we do them.

without further ado i present to you another update!


guys, as the most confusing creatures of the world, we women do things that you dont understand. your probably like "hell yeah. whats up with blah blah blah blah". well my friends, no need to fear! CH is here to tell you whats going on.

1: going to the bathroom in groups. you dont even know how many times ive been asked this. we go to the bathroom as a group for many reasons.

a.) we need our girls to back us up in case of drama.

b.) we need to make sure we all look good. if we need something then someone else is bound to have it.

c.) we talk about the guys we seen and if we want to go home with them (at partys or clubs)

d.) to hold a friends hair up when shes puking her guts out

thats really about it. (ladies, if i miss anything feel free to comment so i can add it)

2: why we eat when we are stressed or depressed:

we eat when we are stressed or depressed because it makes us feel better. did you know that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS? funny huh.

anyways it simply fixes that crack in our heart. food is not always the way to a mans heart. it works with women too.

3: goo hoarders:

by goo i mean products like shampoo, conditioner, lotion, stuff like that. its all goo! girls can be goo hoarders because they feel they simply dont have enough. they want to smell good to the full extent all the time. no girl wants to smell musty. so they hoard a bunch of goo that way they never run out

4: being nosey:

girls are nosey because, well for two main reasons.

90% of the time their curious

the other 10% is their insecure.

most girls are just curious of what your doing, who your talking to, stuff that deals with your more personal stuff because they want to be closer to you and know you better.

the other girls are just insecure about themselfa because they dont want you to walk out of their lives.

5: make-up, fake eyelashes, ect:

80% of girls start to wear make up and fake stuff to impress a guy.

10% is for them. to make themselfes feel good.

the last 10% of girls dont deal with that shit (im one of them)

honestly, girls think that putting shit on their face will make them look better. like im so serious. alot of make-up is made out of animal shit. gross i know. not the point though. girls do it to try to please you because somewhere in you guy's fucked up minds.. make-up, makes girls look better....

ok it does. alot of girls look stunning with it on but thats not my point.

they look stunning without it on also.


thats all for today!!

if you guys think of anymore confusing stuff about girls you just DO NOT understand... COMMENT! so i can make another update to explain to you very confused guys.



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