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Hello people that are still reading like jar7713 and others. mentioned jar cuz they commented telling me they were still with me.

Anyhoo, enjoy!


Today I'm talking about the friendzone. No one likes to be put here, girl or guy, it sucks ass.

Being put in the friendzone by a girl means you got too close to her. Means she got attached to you, not in a relationship way, A brotherly way.

If you ever want to stay away from the friendzone, just get close to her, but not bestfriend kinda close. Cuz then that's all she sees you as. So you want to be her friend, be close enough she tells you things, but distant enough to keep her guessing.

Friendzoneing. guys, when you friendzone a girl, and she really likes you... You immediately put her in a state of depression for 2 days or more. If she is a normal average girl that is.




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