more rules

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hey people of the world

today is about more rules!



31: when it comes to our fellow man-girlfriends; such as homosexuals, transexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, drag queens, or any other male that is interested in other males.. we will under every circumstance find the homophobic asshole that hurt our male-girlfriend and kick his ass.

32: every girl at some point in her life will experiment with another girl just because we are curious. this includes kissing, touching, or doing other stuff with another female.

33: when seeing a hot guy, the first girl to call "dibs" gets to go for it first. if the guy is not interested in the "dibs caller" then its fair game for all.

34: every girl will judge a guy by the scale of hotness. 1-10.

35: every boyfriend must be equally balanced out between hotness and possessiveness. for every level of possessiveness he has to be equally as hot. if too possessive, must dump him. if not enough possessive must wager her options out. if its worth it.

36: when with her boyfriend, its her job to become close to her boyfriends friends but not too close where they get the wrong idea.

37: when seeing a fellow girlfriend go somewhere with another guy other than her boyfriend as she is shitfaced or high as fuck, must try to stop her. if the girl can walk with out falling in her heels, look you straight in tue face and say "its alright/cool/fine/worth it" than will let her go. the next day will pretend not to know what the girls boyfriend is talking about.

38: we will not take drinks from strangers. if the bartender brings a drink to us and says its from the guy at the other end of the bar we will accept. but if a guy comes up to us and hands us a drink we will decline.

39: no girl should ever take a horrible picture unless shit faced drunk and at the time thought it was the beat fucking idea ever.

40: no girl should ever get a "tramp stamp"

41: no girl should ever get a name tattooed anywhere on her body. they always end up regretting it. exception: your kids, and family

42: it is perfectly alright to be a slut. just keep it on the DL and dont fuck any of your girlfriends boyfriend.

43: the first to fall asleep will get their bra stuffed in the freezer.

44: when your girlfriend gets dumped it is required to be at her place within 10 minutes with her favorite icecream, candy, and movies.

45: girl should NOT prance around naked in the locker rooms. no matter how confident you are.

46: it is ok to wear an outfit more than once if its cute. unless going on dates.

47: no girl should be more muscular than a guy. its just gross.

48: every girl will make sure her other girlfriends know who is her bestfriend and that she comes before all else.

49: it is perfectly alright to have 2 bestfriends. as long as they are from the opposite sex.


today was more directed towards the girls but, you guys can still use them!

thats all for today



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