just something to let you guys know

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hello to all the two headed boys out there. i hope you got my little joke. anyways today is going to be a little diffrent.

you all know that the "girl code" as well as the "guy code" are unofficial written rules made by females or males.

today im talking about rule breaking. i dont know about what the guys do but if a girl breaks a rule, there is consequences.


anytime a girl breaks a rule she is punished. whether it be just losing a friend or getting kicked out of the female community. it all depends on the crime and how many.

if a rule is broken such as #5 , #13, or #27 its really not that big a deal. i minor punishment will be set such as the silent treatment from all female friends for a day. big if such crime is committed such as #1 or #16 will be a mild punishment such as being ignored for a week or longer like month. but, if a huge major crime is committed extreme punishment will come along with it. like being kicked out of the female community for good.

i know this all sounds harsh but girls actually do this. it all depends on the crime and how many shes done.

i honestly think alot of the punishments are crap and harsh so i dont follow them. some i can understand. like if your best friend fucked your serious boyfriend then its understandable to not talk to them for how ever long. expecially if its her bff. having your bff not talk to you cuz your in trouble is like having acid poured on you. its torture.


thats all for anow!



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