>- Unnamed guy as Lucas Till -<
When I open my eyes, the sun nearly burns them. What time is it for the sun to shine so bright? I turn over towards my alarm clock and notice that it's flipping noon. I've slept for fourteen hours, how is that even possible? Not that it matters, I don't work today, but still I had some stuff I wanted to do today.
I pull myself out of my bed and stick my feet into my comfy slippers. Yesterday was pretty emotional, so I'm thinking of having a 'cheer yourself up' day to not drown in the past's memories. That translates itself to eggs and bacon for breakfast. Delicious. I'm thinking about having a walk through the forest today as well. It'll help cheering me up and make me move on a little easier like it has always in the past. After that I will have to go grocery shopping, because it seems like I might be running out of eggs soon.
I finish preparing breakfast and eat my meal at the kitchen table next to the small window that gives me a perfect view of the building across the street. At this time the old lady I always see must be doing her laundry. I never met her before, but she seems nice. She saw me once and she smiled. I didn't smile back though. I find that to be a very difficult thing, smiling. It's been out of my system for years now, it would be crazy to dig it back up just for a little old lady. From that day on she has never smiled at me again. She did stare at me, sometimes for a very large amount of time, but hey, I can't blame her. I would probably have done the same if I was in her old lady shoes.
I cleaned the kitchen up and got the entire apartment tidy before I got to preparing myself. I'm feeling a little bit 'rock and roll' today, I really don't know why, but that's the look I'm going for anyway. My eyes suit my haircolor and my lips are a gloomy shade of purple. My clothes aren't that much different, just a black pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved laced top. I look like a punk, it suits me if I'm completely honest. Switching up looks like this is something I really enjoy doing. I used to confuse a lot of my friends in high school, because one day I would show up in this punk-look and then the other day I would wear a flower dress and look like a cute little princess. I'm glad I now have zero friends to confuse.
I step out of the building inhaling deeply. The memories of the past are working themselves back up to me, but I need to keep them down, to drown them as quickly as I can. I march towards the forest with my goal set. I need to escape them, before they find me.
The stone ground is slowly fading to little rocks to eventually fade out to pure dark brown earth. The amount of trees becomes more concentrated the further I walk into my escape. When they totally enclose me into their magical mystery world, I finally reach my goal. The scent of nature fills my nostrils and I can finally feel myself living instead of dying inside. Why did I even have to come here? What did I need to escape from? Whatever it was, it is now gone. I slowly continue my way through the forest making sure to take in all of its beauty. Sometimes I even have to touch a tree to make sure that it is real what I'm seeing. I close my eyes and let it consume me for a few seconds. When I open them I realize that I'm no longer on the path. I actually walked into the forest without looking where I was going. Surprisingly it doesn't bother me. It doesn't stress me out. I feel free. Free from work, free from Becka, free from my boss, from my parents, from pain and reality. The feeling rushes through my veins, making sure to excite every cell it passes. It must sound as if I'm orgasming, but honestly the intensity and the pleasure is as high now as it would be whilst climaxing. Screw Becka and her annoying attitude, screw my job and its nasty duties, screw my parents and there lifeless hearts, screw them all!
I take a little break from walking and sit down on a sawed tree trunk. The sun tries to peek through the leaves, but it's struggling. I wish I could live here. In a little hut or something. That way my morning routine would probably be a little less boring and depressing than usual.
"Enjoying the silence?" I jump up at the unfamiliar voice and screech a little. I turn around and a male figure shows itself. I somehow recognize this blonde guy from somewhere. I think I once saw him talking to Becka after work. "Not very chatty, are we now..." He has a very sly smirk on his face. His feet start to move and he makes a few steps in my way. I don't budge as I don't know what he wants nor who he is. Should I say something? I could just completely ignore him, but something tells me he's not going to let me go that easily. "You're a friend of Becka?" I ask firmly. His smirk grows a little. Oh no, is he going to be the exact same annoying bag of air? Please don't be. "You like stalking, don't you?" He says and my brain laughs. Is he an idiot? Are they related? They have to be. "Says the guy who followed me into the woods." I add, but he clearly doesn't enjoy smart talk as his smirk instantly drops to replace itself by a scowl. He rushes towards me and before I know it my body is pressed up against the nearest tree. Mother of pearl, that was insanely quick, how did he manage to do that? "You're roaming around on my territory and you dare to call me out on stuff... Do you even know who you're talking to?!" He snaps through gritted teeth. I try to get myself out of his grip, but my arms are crossed and pressed against my chest to keep me from moving. What the hell is his problem? He must be on some kind of drug. His territory, seriously? "No, I don't know who I'm talking to, introduce yourself first, bastard! And while you're at it, get your nasty hands off of me!" I yell in his face. This time the scowl dissapears and the smirk is back. What an annoying prick! The blue of his eyes is very dull, it almost has no shine to it at all, which is very disturbing for blue eyes. He presses his full weight against me which makes my chest hurt so badly. I don't want to give into his game of 'who is the strongest' though. I obviously am. "Let me go!" I protest, but that only makes him chuckle. "I'll murder you if you don't let me go, you animal!" I threaten. His grip suddenly tightens on my arms and it becomes too painful to not whine. His face inches towards mine and for the first time in so many years I feel intimidated. I look up into his eyes and notice the strangest thing in the world. The dull blue is now shining, so brightly. My eyebrows hug themselves in the middle of my face in confusion. "What? Do you see something unknown? Do I suddenly scare you, 'Miss Brave'?" His voice became more throaty and therefor more frightening. He is on drugs, I can tell. Is he going to hurt me or rape me or kill me? At this point my heart is beating at lightning speed. "Aah." I whine when he presses even harder. My boobs are going to be so sore if I survive this, I don't even want to get started on the state of my arms. The things that still confuse me are his eyes. What kind of drug makes your eyes glow? Maybe I'm just hallucinating because I'm out of breath. "Suddenly your mouth isn't as big, huh..." He taunts me and it works. My attitude bursts out of me and I spit right in his face. "You can suck it!" I snap. His gaze pierces through me and I swear I just heard him growl. Who raised this kid? I get no time to answer that question as he pulls me away from the tree and sends me flying to the other side. I land about twenty feet further, luckily without hitting any tree. By the crunching of the leaves I know that he is coming my way, so I crawl away as fast as I can, but I'm too slow. I turn around so I am now on my butt and the first thing I see is his foot coming my way. It kicks against my sore chest making me lie down quite forcefully. He kneels down next to me, takes my neck in between his rather large hand and pulls my face to his. This dude is really strong. "If I was a bad guy, I would've killed you. But since I'm not, I'll just hurt you." He says and my eyes shut when I see his hand rise. Suddenly, I feel his nails rip through my shirt and they scrape off the part of my skin just above my boobs. "Aahhh!" I cry out in pain. Holy shit, what did he do? That hurts so much! My hands reach for my chest and I roll on my side. The amount of suffering this causes me is unbearable. I can't help but let the tears of pain flow. "Are you insane?" My attitude somehow manage to say in between sobs. I hear him giggle. I hear venom, just like Becka. I feel his fingers tangle themselves around the roots of my hair and grip very tightly. He pulls my head painfully up so my ears are close to his lips. The injury he has inflicted to me is stinging, I almost wish he would've just killed me. "Talk about this to anyone and consider your life over." He then drops my fragile body roughly to the ground and walks away. "Don't come back here." Is the last thing he says before leaving my piteous and hurt body to its destiny.
>- Avril Lavigne - Let me go (before she meets the guy) -<

Hidden Essence Book I - The Bloody Moon
Hombres LoboAs a nineteen year old girl, Sage pretty much has gone through it all, at least that's what she thinks. Not believing that the world could offer her any more surprises, she surely gets pretty shocked when she discovers a new part of the world that...