The villa is a mess. A soon as I heard her scream, I ran out of George's office and ran through every room the villa possibly had. People were running around, panicking, screaming, fighting and killing. They're still busy. I'm in the backyard, still looking for her. She's no where, not in the house, not in the basement. My heart is beating out my chest for her. I promised I would protect her from the mean wolves. I'll kill myself if I break that promise.
I hear a dangerous growl coming from behind me so I instantly turn around and swing with the knife I had picked up on the way here. The knife slits through the unknown wolf's throat and he drops dead at my feet. First kill, feels good. The panic I felt earlier is replaced by utter worry for the little angel I'm trying to find. "Adelaide!" I yell into the open world. No response. The noise coming out of the house is horrifying. I hear men and women scream, wolves growl, glass break. I watch how Becka's wolf jumps on another wolf and rips the flesh out of his neck. The scene is very lugubrious, but knowing that the enemy is being killed brings a sick satisfaction to my system. What are they even doing here? The Bloody Moon is in three days. Is this an early warm-up for them? I don't get time to think that through as someone grabs my waist from behind me and pulls me to them. "Here you are, little human. You're coming with me." An unknown male voice speaks. I elbow him in his stomach and he lets go of me whilst groaning. Little human, right. I turn around and don't hesitate to boot him in his face. He falls on his back and grabs for his now sore face. Blood is dripping from his nostrils. Sweet. "Who's little now?" I mock and he smirks. Before I know it, he shifts and charges for me. His paws pin me to the ground and he bares his long canines to me. I try to wriggle myself out of his grip, but wolves are heavier than they look. He growls deeply and as I think that my last hour would've passed, he is pushed off of me by another wolf. The famous black one I used to be so scared off. Zach bites the wolf in his neck and with that he ends his miserable life. I watch as he runs back into the house not even bothering to take a look at me first. I don't mind he didn't. He's focused on saving his pack, as a true Alpha would.
All of a sudden I hear her little voice scream again. It came from the woods. I jump up just as my heart skips a beat. I need to save her. She sounds terrified, I'll kill however touches her! I start running towards the screams as fast as my legs can. Trees are flying past me as the sun is slowly going down. "Adelaide!" I shout again and that's when the screams stop. The forest is completely silent and it makes me stop in my tracks. Oh no. Why is she not she screaming anymore? Why do I not hear her anymore?! The worst case scenarios play off in my mind as tears flow over my cheeks. Where in the world is she?! I look around me, but I only see trees and trees and more trees. "Adelaide!" I yell her oh so precious name, but I'm again left with the deadly silence. I won't believe it, she's not dead. She's not gone. She's safe, she ran away. She's fine. Everything's okay. My visions blurs as the tears won't stop flowing. Stop it Sage, she's okay. Don't break down, don't crumble. I wipe away the sour tears and continue to march deeper into the now very gloomy forest. I can't hear the screams coming from the house anymore, it's way back there, I'm too far away. I'll find her and everything will be okay, right? Yes, I promised her. I will find her and kill whoever touched her. I hear the crunching of leaves and turn to the sound. It's not close though. Whoever it is, is far enough to not hear me if I sneak up to them which is exactly what I plan on doing. I know it's them, they have Adelaide, they will die. I sneak to the sound, hiding behind every tree. I know it may sound useless as werewolves have a very good sense of hearing, but Zach taught me that during combat, wolves tend to get caught in the moment and forget to pay attention to their surroundings. Let's hope that this one won't be that one in a million. Either way, I won't let him escape. He is destined to die today. My bloodthirsty thoughts are interrupted by the soft mumbles of my angel. She's alive! My breath hitches as I try to hide my euphoria. Something is blocking her mouth though. I'm still hidden behind a tree when I hear a mischievous growl coming from where her mumbles came. "Human... Come out, come out, wherever you are..." The male voice chants. I will rip out his vocal chords and force-feed them to his pack! "There's no point in hiding, I can feel your heartbeat from a mile away." He sounds like he's just a few trees away. I listen carefully. He's not walking anymore, he's probably watching his back. He should. "Don't you want to save this little pup here? " He taunts and I hear Adelaide whimper. That's it, he's going to hell. I jump from behind the tree and run towards the sound of his disgusting voice. "There you are." He says before he pushes Adelaide out of his way to deal with me. When I'm a few feet away I jump towards him, but he avoids me by sliding to the side. I land on my hands and feet, wolf-like. I hear him laugh maliciously and that is my cue to attack. I jump to my feet and kick and punch towards him, but he avoids every hit while a sinister smirk plays on his lips. "Too slow." He remarks before he grabs my hand as it tried to hit him and twists it behind my back. My eyes meet Adelaide's scared ones as I moan in pain. She's sitting against a tree with her arms wrapped around her knees, just like when I found her in the closet. She's terrified. "Don't worry, everything's okay." I assure her as I try to wriggle myself away from him. My arms are locked though, I won't be able to remove them from where they are. But your feet aren't, Sage. The idea is put into action immediately as I kick him in his balls and he lets go of me. I back away a little and watch him grab for his junk whilst groaning. Perks of being girl, am I right? "Have it your way!" He brings out before he shifts into a wolf. He bares his teeth to me, but I'm in no way intimidated. I steady myself on both of my feet as I carefully watch his every movement. He's now growling dangerously, ready to attack. I slowly reach for my back pocket, where my precious little knife lies. I hear some noise coming from a place I can't pinpoint yet, but I won't let myself be distracted.

Hidden Essence Book I - The Bloody Moon
Loup-garouAs a nineteen year old girl, Sage pretty much has gone through it all, at least that's what she thinks. Not believing that the world could offer her any more surprises, she surely gets pretty shocked when she discovers a new part of the world that...