Chapter XV

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>- Michael as Tristan Wilds -<


I'm in what looks like an office in the villa of the Blue Woodland Pack. George called me out of my cell to discuss some 'important' things. My hands and feet are chained to prevent me from hurting myself. Very clever, but they're not needed anymore.

I had cried my entire soul out on the way here. I was sad, angry, agitated, I just couldn't stay still. That's when they decided to put me to sleep for a little while, so I could calm down and gain serenity again. It somehow worked. When I woke up I was chained and locked in one of those cells again. I was all alone in that basement. Silence being the only company I had. I didn't want to scream anymore though. I couldn't bring my voice to it. I didn't want to cry, my tears wouldn't allow me. I didn't want to kill myself either, my thoughts were consumed by something far more interesting. Something that could actually give purpose to my life. Something I could strive for. Revenge.

"Unchain her." He asks with so much authority to Becka and she immediately falls to command. She removes both of the chains. My gaze is laying on nothing specifically. I'm just looking straight ahead of me, focusing mostly on my thoughts. I notice George's nod to Becka from the corner of my eye. She then walks out of the office leaving George and I alone. I'm unchained, but I don't move. I don't feel the need to. "Did you eat some of the things we gave you? You look drained." He points out. I don't look at him, I don't want to see his pity. "I have. I'm just tired." My voice sounds like it's someone else's. It has no emotion or tonality whatsoever. I like it that way. "Right. I have prepared the guest room for you. I'd rather have you there than locked up like an animal in a cage." He offers and I nod. This actually sounds way better to me than I make it look, but somehow I can't produce any emotion at all. I don't want to. Feelings make me weak, I don't want to be weak anymore. He motions for me to sit down in the chair in front of his desk and I do so. He sits himself down behind the desk in front of me and I then glance over to him. He looks the same way as he always does. Neat, professional and severe. "I've called you out here to discuss some things with you. Now obviously you know a lot about us werewolves and we can't just afford to let you go if we're not sure that you will keep this a secret." He starts and I cut him off before he continues. "I will." I quickly thrown in and he looks a bit confused. "I will keep your secret safe with me, but only on one condition..." I clarify. "Ah. I see." He understands and nods for me to continue. "I want you to tell me everything about this pack, why it is involved with the Red Moon Pack, what a Bloody Moon exactly is and why I get to be part of it. Every detail there is, I want to know." I demand. "That is no problem." He says, but I'm not done yet. "And... I want you to train me, as you would train a werewolf without its powers so I can participate in whatever battle there is to come and take my revenge on that son of a bitch." I say with a low voice. George's eyes widen at my words. I don't think he was prepared for me to say this, but I couldn't care less. I want to be trained, I want to gain the skills and the strength that these wolves have, so I can go ahead and kill him. That's all I want, nothing less, nothing more. "You want to be trained... to fight?" He still sounds very astonished. I bluntly nod. "You said that they wanted me to fight at their side. If they can take advantage of me, this pack can too." I firmly say and he nods. He doesn't look too convinced though. "If you don't grant me what I'm asking for, I'll find my way out and your little secret will be revealed to whoever is listening..." I coldly threaten and this turns all the tables. George stands up from behind his desk and reaches a firm hand out to me. I stand up as well, shake his hand and with that officialize our little deal. "Very sly, aren't you..." He remarks and I let out a dry chuckle. "Consider that to your advantage." I retort and a small smirk forms itself on his lips. "I'll inform Zach, Becka, Jonas and Michael about this and I guess I will see you tomorrow at sunrise for your first training." He says with an amused grin on his face. I honestly don't care how early I will have to wake up for this training. I want my revenge and I'll do anything to get it. "Sounds perfect." I plainly say and with that I wipe the smirk off his face. "Good. I assume that I can now trust you and you will not make a run for it again... So you can just go ahead and hang around in the house. There's food in the kitchen if you need any. Get to know people, I've already informed everybody about your arrival." He explains me as he gradually makes his way out of the office. "When are you going to explain me all the things I've asked you..." I remind him and he stops in the doorway. "That'll be part of your first training." He plainly says before he leaves me to my own thoughts.

Hidden Essence Book I - The Bloody MoonWhere stories live. Discover now