Chapter 23: Birthdays and Businessmen Pt.2

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Although everyone had been crammed into one room for an hour, nobody seemed ready to leave. It was good to see the boys all together. It felt like a perfect picture, me sitting there watching them talk.

"You're really close with them, aren't you?" I looked into the caramel eyes that were sitting beside me.

"I love them. Those boys are my family. Some literally, some figuratively." I giggled a little.

She smiled over at me, "You're lucky. Both Tamaki and Kyoya seem to care about you a lot."

"They do. And I care about them, too. Sometimes it all gets a little cloudy, and sometimes I make stupid mistakes, but I really do love them both," I mumbled this to her.

Her eyes widened, "You're in love with both of them?"

"Yeah, I am."


I nod, "And they sure know it."

"Despite them knowing about each other, they seem really close."

"They were best friends in high school," my eyes moved to the glass in my hand, "and then I came between them. Two months ago, I set everything right again."

She smiled once more, "At least you didn't let things stay like they were."

"Then I went to Paris with one, gave my virginity to the other, and took the virginity of the one I went to Paris with. I'm a horrible person."

Her hand grasped my free one, "No you're not. You're just confused. You'll figure it out though. Soon enough."

"You can't repeat a word of anything I tell you tonight, alright? It'll get me murdered. Probably quite literally, too. Although it's been a while since I've seen Éclair, you never know where she'll show up."

"I promise I won't tell anyone," she gave my hand a squeeze. I like this girl.

Finishing my second glass of wine of the night seemed to pass by quickly. Like any overly stressed person, I went to fetch another one.

"Kasumi...?" It was the voice of Tamaki behind me.

I turned to face him, a smile on my face, "Hi, are you enjoying the party?"

He chuckled, "I was coming to ask you that question, but yes, I am." He stepped closer to me.

"I'm having fun. I like seeing all of you together again."

The aura around us seemed awkward now. It feels like I'm a schoolgirl who's been rejected after confessing to the boy she likes. It's awkward. Tamaki ignored me for two weeks. Like he could just cast my feelings aside and reel them back in when he wanted to.

Even though he apologized, it's not easy to forgive him. "It reminds me of high school; before everything got so crazy. Before I fell in love. Of course, it took me 3 months and a whole plane ride to realize it was really love. Some days I would just think, 'What I wouldn't give to have Kyoya here', or, 'Tamaki would love this... and I would love this even more with Tamaki'. Life as a grown up sucks."

"Oh, it can't be too bad," Tamaki said this as I downed my third glass of wine.

"Oh, but it is! Now I worry about about love, work, paying the bills on time, my staff and making sure I treat them well, and keeping all these goddamn secrets!" I started pouring my fourth glass.

Tamaki placed a hand on my arm, "Nobody said you have to keep any secrets."

"Well if I don't, Éclair will string me up by my toes, Kyoya will be ruined, I'll have a tainted image as a home-wrecker. Sometimes I wish I was a nobody who fell in love with two other nobody's so nobody would care about who I was out with and whom went over to whom's house! I just want to be able to love who I want to love! I want to-" I got cut off by a pair of lips against my own.

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