Chapter 11

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Daryl's POV

I woke up early. Musta been around 5 in the mornin' I rub my eyes open and see Hailey sleeping with her arms around me. I slowly and carefully move out of her grip and let her sleep as I head down the watch tower to go find Rick. It was about time he gets his head in the damn game again. I went into the cell block first to check up on everybody.

Hershel sat at the table checking the medications we had, Beth sat beside him holding Judeth while conversation with Carl. Carol was sitting up top the steps and looked to what seemed to be doing laundry. Glenn and Maggie had already left to go get some more baby powder. Judeth was running low on her milk and she needed it to survive.
"What time did Glenn and Maggie leave?" I ask Hershel.

He turned over and grunted from his olde age. "About an hour or so ago, should be back before lunch I assume" hid olden trustworthy voice rumbled.

"A'ight" I wiped my face off "anybody seen rick?"

Everybody's head turned to me.

"Cell block c.." carls voice spoke up through the silence.

"Ight. Carol? Mind helpin' me clear sum of the walkers from the fence today?"

She nodded in response and I left to find Rick. He'd left cell block c by the time I got there so the hell with it. I went out back to clear sum of the walkers m'self before carol came to help. I killed about 20 myself and about 50 all together with carol. There were only a few left, but for some reason they kept on Walkin right on up to the fence even when we kept quiet. I was about to stab my knife through the last walker when suddenly someone else did. I looked and it was Hails.

"Let's get these walkers burnt." She stated.

"I'll get the truck" I insist while making my way. She seems to be in a good mood today.

Hailey's POV

"Let's get these walkers burnt." I stated.

"I'll get the truck" Daryl said as he swung around.

It was just me and Carol. She continued to take out the walkers as the few of them came closer.

"Hey carol?" I said, taking one out myself.

"Yes?" She lowers the stick she has been using.

"I feel really bad, yenno whose candles? I wasn't just gonna use the wax. I kinda used it for personal enjoyment." I said, guilt strucken.

"I know." Carol said sheepishly. She turned to watch daryl drive the truck down the road and towards the pile of walkers. We retreated to the outside to help him load the walkers.

"How?" I asked suddenly uncomfortable.

She lowered her voice as daryl stopped the truck and slammed the door when he got out.

"I see whay you two got here. You wanted it to be special." She smiles at me, grabbing a set of the walkers hands waiting for me to grab the ankles. I smiled back.

'What you guys talking about?" Daryl asks, genuinely curious.

"Oh nothing." Carol and I agree and both giggle.

Daryl just rolls his eyes and no starts throwing the corpses on the back end. We end up having to make two trips, resulting in one huge zombie non fire. My and Carol joked around the whole time but daryl didn't seem to mind. He just kept to himself. Like he usually does around other people.

"It's getting low on food. Rick has started to grow some stuff but it won't be ready in time. We all need our strength." Carol said looking at her watch. It was almost 2 in the afternoon. Gosh, making a zombie non fire took a hell of a long time with all the lifting and carrying and ugh.

"I'll go hunt soon. But I gotta start going farther out. I wanna see if there's anything other than squirrels and rabbits. Hopefully get my hands on another deer." I said while we all made our way back to the truck to drive inside the gates.

"I'll come with." Daryl said before he got in an started the truck.

Me and Carol just walked to the gates.

"Was he good? " she asked jokingly. I threw my head back and laughed while I nudged her.

"He was." I said while laughing, and of course she had to laugh again.

"Just be careful, he doesn't seem like the gentle in bed type guy" she said cleaning her knife off on her pants then putting it away.

"Oh trust me you'd be surprised." I said. She raised a brow at me and smirked.
"What?!" I said while laughing

Her smirk broke into a smile. "Nothing, you two just..-" she cut herself off while looking at daryl who was already at the prison, watching over us. "You're good for each other. I didn't see him like this before, especially when he lost Sophia." She added.

"What happened?" I asked since it was before my time here with them.

"Daryl searched for my little girl day and night, accidently shot himself with and arrow, barely missing a shot to the head.. he was just a mess he really wanted to find Sophia turned out she'd turned. We found her later, inside Hershels barn with many other walkers. They thought they were just sick people, waiting for the cute or for them to get better. But Shane went on a killing spree and shot them all. Next thing I knew.. my little girl came out of the barn. Rotten flesh, knotted hair. She was a mess. And Rick shot her." She sighed.

"Both me and Daryl were a mess after that." She added again.

"I'm so sorry.. I never knew. " I told her.

"I didn't think he'd tell you. I think that's why he protects Carl and Judeth so much, cause he couldn't with Sophia." Carol said finishing the conversation as we were at the prison once again.

Wow, such a dad story... but then again what story ends happy now a days? I grabbed my hunting bag and decided to leave without Daryl since he's been busy inside block A.

I trailed off. Farther than I've ever went and sat beside a tree. I watched and listened. Waiting for a kill.

Daryl's POV

Instead of waiting for carol and Hailey I went into cell block A to see if Glenn and Maggie found any powered milk.

"Maggie and Glenn get the stuff they were lookin' for?" I asked as I leaned against the doorway.

Hershel and Beth turned to me.

"They haven't come back yet." Beth said to me.

"What do ya mean they haven't came back yet?!" I grabbed my bow and threw it on my back. We gotta get Rick informed.
I went to find Rick, trail blazing. He wasn't in the prison but I was determined to find him. I did find him about 30 feet outside of the prison walls wheree a little wooden bridge that crosses the creek comes out. He sat there, and I walked up to him and for cull turned him around by his shoulder.


Rick hadn't seemed to realize how long he's been gone. He shook his head.

"No you're right. I gotta get back up there. " Rick agreed.

That eased my anger a little.

"Cmawn let's go." I said, running off towards the prison in front of Rick.

Matches To The Flame 》 Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now