Chapter 42

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"Sasha put it away!"

The yelling woke me from my sleep on the wooden bench. They were arguing about something.

"Where are our people? " Sasha demanded.

"I don't have anything to do with this!" The priest pleaded.

"What did you do, Gabriel. What are 'you going to burn for', Gabriel?!" Rick chanted in.

"I lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night. They started coming. Atlanta was bombed the night before and they were scared. They were looking for a safe place. It was so early. And the doors were still locked. They were trying to pry the shutters, banging on the siding, screaming at me. And so the dead came for them. Women. Children. Entire families calling my name as they were torn apart. Begging me for mercy. Damming me to hell. I buried it all, the Lord sent you here to finally punish me. I'm Damned! " He kept chanting in a crying mess.

What. The. Hell. I stood up slowly, not gaining any attention. I looked around, where is Daryl.

"There's someone outside laying in the grass!!" Glenn exclaimed, we rushed outside to see Bob. He was missing a leg. Sasha was crying but we brought him inside. Once Bob was inside and awake he explained what happened to us. That Gareth had found him, and cut off his leg to eat his leg. Right infront of him.

"Did they have Daryl and Carol?"Rick asked.

My heart dropped. Moreso by the fact Daryl was now pronounced missing rather than with Carol.

"Gareth said they drove off together." Bob explained.

I fell back, again not causing any attention to me.. they'd drove off together.. Back at the prison when Daryl denied cheating on me with Carol, was he lying? Was he lying about this whole Damn thing? Was everything we were a lie? They wouldn't have drove off.. they'd have to find a running car with gas, everything. It just wasn't possible without being planned out. This was it. This is what heartbreak felt like. It was official that Daryl Dixon, no longer had feelings for me..

I felt bad for Bob, I was devastated in fact, but I needed space. I needed time. I went into the ladies washroom and sat in a corner wondering where I went wrong, when things changed, but it didn't make sense, but at the same time it did.


I looked up to see Maggie entering the women's bathroom. I quickly wiped my tears, although it was too late.

"Hailey, what's wrong? " She asked me catiously and sat next to me, close enough I could feel her brush against me.

"Dar..yl." I managed to say, but my voice cracked.

"You know he's going to be back." She reassured. I shook my head, causing my hair to fall from my shoulders.

"It's not that." I said not making eye contact. I hated crying infront of people. "I think he's done with me" I managed to slip out whole.

"What? No way, Daryl loves you." Maggie tried to reassure me again.

"That's what I thought too. Back when we were at the prison I seen them kiss. And he said he wasn't cheating on me. And- and he's become so distant we haven't talked since.. since.. God I don't even remember. It was before terminus. And now Bob said they drove off together?" I ranted to her between sobs. She took ahold of my hand, and held it tight. "What am I supposed to do" my 'do' dragged out with sadness in my sob causing it to bounce between pitches. Her gentle eyes looked into mine.

"Hailey..I see the way Daryl has looked at you, you just never notice, or your looking away. I wish Glenn would look at me the way Daryl looks at you. I see there is tension now but you and Daryl are survivors. You guys won't let not talking for a little while ruin that for you. I know it." Maggie said softly with a big smile on her face. I pulled her into a hug and she rubbed my back.

Matches To The Flame 》 Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now