Chapter 7

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"GUYS!" screeching came from all over the place. Me and Daryl both jumped up, not used to each others presence first thing in the morning yet.
"They're everywhere! get out of the barn!" We heard Andrea scream at us. Me and Daryl went up the ladder, him making sure I went up first. And we made it to the loft where we seen hundreds of walkers coming right for the farm. The drop from the loft was a good 12 ft and I was scared of heights..

"Oh god.." I said nauseated

Shh it's gonna be alright just stay with me. We will jump on the count of three. Keep your legs bent. 1...2...3!"
He both jumped from the loft, hitting the ground hard. Daryl got up quick and shot the walker coming close to me.
"COME ON" he said viciously. He'd gotten protective. I got up off the ground, in pain from the jump but managed to jog to the house as fast as I could after the jump and get the weapons.

"There's no way we're going to take them all out. No way in damned hell!" Andrea says to us. "We all need to leave" t dog, carol, Rick, Lori, almost everybody gets in a vehicle and runs them over or shoots them. It works for awhile until the real swoon comes in it just becomes too much. People started losing ammo. Strength.

"WE HAVE TO LEAVE!" Rick shouted, filling his car with as many people as possible and getting them to safety and continuing with the rest.

"HAILEY" I hear Daryl calling for me, I turn around and my eyes are desperate to find him but I can't! Just then an arrow goes right past my head, talking down a walker who was about to bite into me. I found daryl. I ran to him while shooting zombies. "CAROL, ANDREA!" I alert them both to come. Carol comes but we see Andrea get swarmed down. Sadly, we have to leave without her. I can't believe what I just seen. My friends.. my family... getting attacked like my family before this. A instant replay.. I'm just glad we all made it out alive. Me and Daryl on his motercycle and the rest, except andrea, in a truck. I felt like sobbing, but I knew it'd do no good. Instead I just tightened my grip on Daryl's waist. I didn't need to see his face to know he was going to tell me it would be okay. We made it to the highway safely, the truck following behind us. Daryl thought it would be a good idea to go where he told me they looked everywhere for a little girl named Sophia.

We made it there safely, and he was right. Rick, Lori, Carl. They were here. Daryl turned off his bike but didn't get off. Neither did I.

The truck had carol, Maggie, Beth and Hershel arrived.

"Andrea?" Rick asked.

"Seen her go down by a swarm" Daryl said keeping his eyes down.

"And Shane? " Lori asked. Rick just shook his head.

"No.. He was gonna kill me. Tell you all that a walker got me." He explained. We were all saddened.

I seen a sign on the highway.

'Hitch hikers may be escaping inmates' I wonder if those people in the prison ever got out? If they had a chance at all being locked in there with no way to get in- light bulb.

"Rick!!" I exclaimed. I have an idea, pointing to the sign.

"There's a prison nearby. Which means security. Nobody can get in, and if it really needed to happen, nobody can get out either! There might be some weapons and supplies in there too!"

Everybody had jumped at my idea and I could tell daryl wanted to kiss me for being so brilliant at the moment, but like a gentleman, he kept to himself. Lori had excelled with my idea since she is 8 months pregnant. Her baby is due soon. She needs a shelter.

Rick stood for a minute "alright. Let's find this prison." We all got ready to travel to this prison. And when we got there, it was infected with walkers. All the inmates had turned. But perhaps it was worth it. Solid walls. Fences above our heads, double layered. Possible fire power.

Rick cuts a hole in the fence off to the side, small enough not to see but big enough to get through. We All get through and start banging on the fence, attracting the walkers. We stab their heads through the fence and eventually work our way in and no clear the yard, and cell blocks. We burn the corpses in one day. We all end up tired but at least we have and cell block to stay in. Everybody picks their cells. I look at the watch towers. "Rick?" I question

He nods gesturing for me to continue.

"Would it be ok that I stay in the watch tower? I'll have a good view and be able yo warn you too.

He thought about it for a second
"I don't see why that would be a bad thing, go ahead by your gonna need to get a mattress up there.

"I'll help her take her mattress up."

I turn to daryl who is standing behind me.

Rick just nods and dismisses us. Me and Daryl go to an unclaimed cell and grab two mattresses. One is his and one is mine. "You're coming to I take it?" I asked

"I'll be damned if I letcha stay up in there by ya self" he lifts up his mates while I do my best to lift mine. We open the door that leads inside the tower (the stairs going up) and are greeted by utter silence.

"No walkers" Daryl grunts. I lift one side of the matress, dragging the other end while going up the 4 flights of stairs behind daryl carrying his own mattress. Once we get to the top daryl puts his matress to the corner on the left so I throw mine to the right. But as soon as he does that he slides his from ther corner right beside mine, making it a bigger bed. He makes me blush.

He comes closer to me, looking me in the eyes.

"Now it's just me.. and you... alone up I'm here for however long we stay.. and that could be a long long time. And I'm happy to spend every second with you, Hailey. "

I kissed him passionately.
"Daryl, I love you."
"I've waited so long to hear that. I love you too." He replied before we both locked into a passionate kiss. Gently pushing me up against the wall. The cold cement made me moan. I know it was just the cement that made me moan, and he knew it too but I could tell it turned him on. He pulled away, or else he knew he'd get himself in too deep.

"Thank you" I croaked"

"For what?" He asked

"Stopping. Waiting for me. Being patient." I said softly.

"Babe.. I'll wait for you, weather it be a month from now or 3 years from now. I'll wait."

Babe. He called me Babe. He just told me he loved me. Ugh this day cannot get any better..

"Okay" I say nodding.

***** about a month -ish later *****

Daryl went out on a run and he would be back today, u waited and waited. I helped Lori do the laundry and she was about to give birth any day now. It was just a matter of time. I seen the fimiliar car pull up to the gate and I went running towards it, daryl. Daryl was back. I waited at the end of the drive way for him. He exited the drivers seat of the car with all the baby supplies Lori would need. I ran to him and he picked me up and swung me around until we kissed.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too" I reply.

Matches To The Flame 》 Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now