Chapter 18

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I stretched and rolled over, reaching to put my arm around Daryl before the day started but I was only greeted with a cold blanket. I got dressed and put on my boots, deciding to wear one of Daryl's ripped-in-some-places flannel shirt over my tank top since the wind had the trees moving quite a bit. I left the tower and made my way towards the Prison. Inside I spied everyone sitting around the table. Including Merle. I tensed as I seen him. But stayed in the doorway, keeping quiet.

"Merle can't say here. I won't allow it." Rick grimaced.

"I just got my damb brother back n' I ain't gonna lose him again!" Daryl broke out.

"Look at what he did to me! He threw a walker at me while I was tied to a chair, damn it! " Glenn defended Rick.

"Merle has got to go. He's a danger to us all." Rick finished, getting up and turning his back to everyone. Merle stood on top, by the stairs quietly not to intervene.

"If Merle goes then I go." Daryl stated quickly and harshly.

Rick turned around and looked at him with his glaring eyes.

"Well I don't expect you to stay and watch him leave either, I don't blame you for wanting to go with him. The choice is yours." Rick compromised.

Daryl got up to walk out, but froze for a few seconds when his blue eyes hit me. I felt the tension between the both of us, but he walked past me out the door anyways. His emotionless stare on the ground as he walked.

I felt saddened. Was Daryl really going to leave all this? Leave me? Now that Maggie was back, I could talk to her about all this kind of stuff. And help Carol for all I cared. Carol was nothing to me anymore.

I walked to Maggie, who was sitting beside Glenn. His arm around her as they watched me approach.

"Hey Maggie, Glenn, howre you guys?" I ask the both of them

"We're pretty good, you?" Glenn responds.

I shrug "could be better. Hey um, Maggie, mind if we talk?" I asked her sheepishly. She smiled and nodded. Before getting up she turned to Glenn and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

She came to me. "Where to?" She asked friendly. I looked around.

"Somewhere private." I replied.

"I know just the place." She adds, rushing off me trailing behind her. She leads me inside the prison down a long hall, dark and silent. There suddenly was a staircase leading down into a fancier part. Must have a been the wardens office or living quarters I guessed. We entered what looked to be a guards place to sleep, much fancier than what we were working with. But I see why Rick would've all wanted us to sleep in cells anyways. It reduced conflict, and if needed we had a metal bar door.

"What's up?" She asked me softly, pulling me out if my slight Daze.

"Everything" I sighed.

"Tell me" she encouraged. "You can't keep things bottled up."

I sat on the old, dusty bed beside her.
"Where do I even start?" I said, tears brewing, but I fought them. Instead I emotionlessly stared at the wall in front of me in the dimmed room.

"Start where it hurts the most.." she said even more soft than before.

"Daryl." I croaked.

I could tell she was looking at me with sympthetic eyes. I ignored them and continued staring at the wall.

"I thought he cheated on me with Carol, I seen her kiss him but at the time I could have swore I seen him kiss her. But he explained to me why it looked that way, it was because she threw her arms around his neck." This part didn't bother me as much as it used to. "But I still have to deal with Carol. She did it once so I know she's not afraid to do it again."

"Carol tried her luck with Daryl?" Maggie said in disbelief.

"Yuupp." I said in a low voice, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"What else?" She said while she put a hand on my shoulder.

"Merle raped me." A single tear fell from the large amount of water that had brewed in my eyes. I don't know how I let them water over so much without crying. "He did horrible things to me. And before he left me there.. tied and exposed I looked in his eyes and seen something." I stopped and briefly looked at Maggie.

"I seen Daryl in his eyes, Maggie." I let another single tear fall but wiped it imediately. "They have the same eyes. The same rage." I croaked. "And I only realized they were brothers when Daryl was beating on him in the courtyard. I knew Daryl was going to be over the top mad, but it scared me. Knowing what Merle had done and that Daryl had nearly killed him for me. I felt okay after. I knew Merle deserved it. But.. this morning Daryl said he was going to leave with Merle if he couldn't stay here."

Maggie seemed at a loss for words.

"Did Daryl forgive him? After all he's done to me?" I managed to squeeze out those last few words.

"I don't even know if he's going to go through with it. But if he does, then what? Is he just going to leave me here? After all of this?" I failed to stop my voice from cracking. This time my voice did Crack, and I broke down with Maggie at my side, comforting me.


Sup, hope ya all are enjoying my book so far? Can I get some thoughts? I don't know if I'm making daryl sympthetic or maybe even too much? Also I've been trying to follow the story line as much as I possibly could. But I know I missed a few things and im sorry! I've been so focused on trying to keep it entertaining for you all ♡

Matches To The Flame 》 Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now