Chapter 29

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(Please view the gif ♡ kinda gives you an example of what Daryl's going through.)

Daryl's POV.

"C'mon Darlina we been walking all night." Merle said looking at the sun already set late afternoon in the sky.

"Stop being a wuss and keep up." I stated. I heard a thump behind me.

Merle had sat down on a log and rested his back against a tree. I sighed knowing there was no getting his ass up now. I turned back and sat up against a tree myself. I actually fell asleep for a few hours in exhaustion.

I stirred and wipe up from a dream less sleep. Merle was up eating somthin'.

"Bout time you woke up, lover boy." Merle said, flashing his knife hand. I rubbed my eyes and the sun was low in the sky.

"What you helpin' me find Hails now?" I said annoyed.

"Damn straight boy. "

'Why." I said sternly.

"Cause I'm different now, little brother." Merle stated.

"Don't be gettin all emotional on me now." I said quickly, not convinced.

"Fine ya don't believe me I'll prove it to ya." He got up and marched off.

"Where the hell ya Goin?!" I yelled after him.

"To find that pretty girl of yours." He said off in the distance. I got my stuff and ran off after him til I caught up.

"You're serious about this?" I asked

He shot me a glance.

That shut me the hell up. The actual fuck happened to Merle to make him so.. I don't even have a word for it.

We found and searched plenty of buildings that were abandoned. Barns and sheds too. None of them shown any recent human life in them. We were approaching a highway when we seen a fire off in the distance. There were two figures sitting in front of it. Me and Merle quieted down and just before we got there 4 other men raced in front if us, not seeing us.

"You screwed up! You screwed up bad" he pointed a gun at.. Rick. It was Rick and Michonne.

"Stay back" I told Merle. Surprisingly be obeyed.

"Hey." I caught their attention.

"These are good people. Leave em be." I said firmly, looking the one man dead in the eye.

"We don't like lies. This man here killed our friend."

"He was attacking us" Michonne added. Guy number Two held a gun to Michonne's head, who put it closer when she spoke. I didn't even realize it but there was 2 other guys and another who was holding a knife to Carl's neck.

"You say these are good people. That's a lie." He stated.

"I get it. You want blood. Take it from me, man." I said widening my arms, giving them full opportunity.

He bent down by ricks ear.
"Daryl here is gonna get beat to death, here" he says just as two guys grab and hold me against a truck and beat me.
"Then we're gonna have some fun with the boy."

"Let him go. Let the boy go!" Rick says determined. I was getting beat, full swings to the stomach and gut.

"He's just a boy" Michonne adds. Carl faintly crying in the truck.

Just then Rick bit the man's ear right off.

Bang. Bang. Two men were down, Merle had shot them from in the distance. Rick took one of the guys off me and Beat him, while i took care of the other. Merle killed the man holding Carl while Michonne sliced the man Daryl was handing. Rick stabbed his guy over and over and over. Michonne comforted Carl to seeing his father being covered in the man's blood.

Matches To The Flame 》 Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now