Chapter 28

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Many weeks had past since the war at the prison happened. I always left an open trail for Daryl, but I stopped about a week and a half ago. It was time I had all possibilities Considered. I'd mastered being alone now. It was only me, myself and I. Of course I had to kill walkers, even humans to survive. My hunting skills somewhat improved but I was still at the farm house I'd found. It had plenty of good food to last me about another 3 months. It had a huge storage room in the basement which didn't need electricity to keep it cold. Plus whatever I did hunt I kept it there where it was safe. I moved the rotting horses and cows out of sight from the farmhouse, basically just into the woods in a deep pile. It kept walkers busy. They ate and left. Don't get me wrong, I still loved Daryl with all my being. But the amount of time I spent running off in the woods looking for him, and him not finding me either.. I just.. I didn't feel whole anymore. So I locked myself in yhis big old farmhouse. It was more than what I needed. I had plenty of clothing, there must have been a rich family living here at one point. Atleast 2 teenage girls and a mom, which gave me PLENTY of clothing. Then there must have been 2 men also. A father and a son. The son must have been in his teenage years because his clothes there adult sized. I explored the house more and more. Looking through what was once this family home, filled with life and laughter.


Daryl's POV

It had been weeks since I'd seen Hailey. I was still dead set on finding her. I wouldn't give up. I had to know if she was still alive.. or not..

The pain grew into a great depression. I was with beth for awhile, she got captured and I was trying to find her too. I almost felt as if my heart was being ripped into 2 pieces. Beth was like sophia all over again. And Hailey, oh Hailey.. even her name brought back sweet sweet memories. The way she'd slightly raise one eyebrow when questioning me, or the wat her long black hair fell perfectly, even with the wind blowing it all over the place, or the way her crystal blue eyes glistened in the sunlight. But Hailey, she was my love, my life. I cared about her life more than mine. Which was why I was sitting my the small fire that barely gave any heat, with an empty stomach. This was what Hailey explained back at the prison to Carl. The heartbreak. Back before this whole apocalypse zombie tucking bullshit happened I was nobody. I was nothin'. I never seen myself getting anythin special. My mom died when I was 6 and my dad was a drunken abuser. I grew up with a brother that was in and out of Juvi. - Merle.
I'd forgotten completely about Merle. I sighed. I snapped out of my daze and looked around the bush surrounding me. Silence, nothing but the pops from the wood in the fire. I suddenly heard a tree branch snap; I grabbed my crossbow and aimed it from the direction I heard the sound. A little rabbit hopped out of the darkness. I was relieved but shot it anyways. I guess this was supper. I heard the snap again and rushed to reload my crossbow and aim again before aiming.

"Well shit Darlina, there goes my dinner." Merle stepped out from the shadows. I kinda just stood there staring at him. "Well don't tell me your gonna steal it from me boy!"

"Where Tha hell ya been?!?!" I yelled at him.

"Calm your tits, boy. I had business to take care of." Merle replied calmly.

"Business that include runnin' off without me, huh?"

"Sit the hell down." He said, lifting the rabid by the ears and pulling out my bow and handing it to me. I snatched it from him.

"What you think you can just prance on in here?" I asked him reluctantly already knowing the answer.

"I'm ya big brother, boy. I got that right." He staggered. Yup, exactly what I expected him to say.

"Well I'm kinda keepin' busy." I stated.

"With what?"

"Stuff." I said firmly.

Silence for a second.

"Where's that girl of yours, Darlina? Usually she's stuck to ya." Merle said with a slight chuckle at the end. I didn't reply.

"What she got bit or somethin'?" He asked.

"Or somthin'." I said quietly.

"She broke up with you, HAH!" Merle burst into at laugh at the end. I stood up tired of his shit.

"Shut up Merle! No she didn't dump me. We got separated then the prison got attacked." I said seriously and stern.

"That pretty girly got separated from the group?" He chuckled. "She don't like like tha survivin' type." He added.

"I said shut up! She's alive. I know she is." I said confidentially. But even I didn't know if she was alive or not.

"How long?" He asked.

"About 4 weeks." I stated. "I circled these woods over and over. Not a trace of any camp set up anywhere."

"That's yer problem, little brother." He said chuckling again.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"You been looking for at camp this whole time. That pretty girl ain't gonna be setting up a camp: thought the whole girl factor woulda gave that away." Merle stated. My eyes widened.

"You're a fuckin' genius!" I said stomping out the fire and grabbing what I had.

"Where you going?!" Merle exclaimed.

"Lookin' for Hails." I said.

"How the hell you gonna do that in the dark?" Merle asked, getting up and following my trail.

"Like I said; I circled these woods I've and over." I finished and walked as fast as I could to the nearest building I remembered. I was going to find her.


Matches To The Flame 》 Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now