what if...? cf

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This sets in catching fire when Gale was whipped and Peeta went home during the blizzard.

I walk in the room that I have been avoiding since my meeting with President Snow and dial Peeta's number on the phone.

It rings and rings but he never answers. That's strange. Peeta always answers the phone. What if he got lost in the blizzard? What if he got a frostbite? What if he is dying out there right now?

With that last thought I grab my coat and run outside towards Peeta's house. I call his name but I doubt he would hear me with this wind.

A few minutes later I'm standing in his porch knocking the door desperately. Hoping that the reason he didn't answer was because he didn't hear the phone. The door suddenly opens and there Peeta stands.

"On my god! Peeta!" I say and throw myself at him.

"Katniss? What are you doing here with this weather? You're freezing! Come on in!" Peeta says as he pulls me in the house. I don't let go of him. Fearing if I do he'll appear dead in the blizzard.

"I thought you were dead! I called you to make sure you got home safely with this weather but you didn't answer! I thought something happened to you! Damn you!" I cry on his shirt taking in his cent of cinnamon and dill that I associate with safety.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear the phone. Come sit I'll get you some hot chocolate." He sits me on the couch but I don't want to let go of him. "Katniss, let go. I'll be right back OK?" I nod my head finally letting go and he gives me a kiss on the forehead and goes to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, I think what if Peeta would have died? I would be damaged beyond repair. I would become my mother. Not even Prim would be able to bring me joy. That moment, right there and then, I realize that I had fallen for the boy with the bread. My boy with the bread.

"Here you go." Peeta says while handing me a cup of hot chocolate and taking me out of my train of thoughts. "Now why ever would you risk your life, once more, just to check if I made it home?"

I decide to take the opportunity and just tell him for once and all, so I say, "Because I love you, Peeta."

"Very funny, Katniss, but now is not the time for jokes." He seriously believes this is a joke?!

"I'm serious! I'm sorry it took me so long to realize but the thought of you dead, the idea of never seeing you or your smile, or hear your laugh, or hug you, it broke me. I can't live without you. If you died, I'd become my mother." I look at him directly to the eyes that always make me get lost in their deep blue color that seems to be staring at your soul. He doesn't say anything and I get nervous. I look down. "Please tell me you haven't already moved on and I'm too late."

"You're not too late. I have always loved you and always will. Okay?" He says lifting my chin with to fingers so that I'm looking at him again. I don't waste anytime and lean in. He leans in too and we kiss.

The kiss sends sparks all over my body and I feel so lucky to be here. We kiss until we run out of air. Still reluctant to let go.

"I love you." We say in unison as we break away and smile at each other.

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