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Katniss's POV

I sit on the subway like every morning. I don't necessarily like it but, I don't like it more than walking to work. Most people think that's strange since one of my favorite activities is hiking. But I have my reasons. The main enters the subway as the door open to let the passengers on this station in. I'm breathless once again as he board the sub and sits in front of me. He looks especially hot today. His curls, that are usually gelled back in a sexy manner, lay unruly on his head slightly covering his magnificent, cerulean eyes. They have to be the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He wears a shirt that matches his eyes and dark jeans. That business, bad boy look, looks grate on him. I straighten my skirt and sit straighter. If only he knew I'm wearing my prettiest skirt just for him.

Suddenly, he looks at me and I see him catch his breath. I realize I've been staring and quickly close my eyes hoping he doesn't think I'm some kind of creepy stalker. When I open my eyes again, he is looking out the window. I sigh. Is like this everyday. From Monday to Friday. Station to station. We steal glances at each other only to look away when the other one looks but we never speak. I take a deep breath. Come on, Katniss, you can do this! Worst case scenario, you get rejected. I change my place for one besides him.

"H-Hi." I stutter. Great, now he probably thinks you're dumb.

"Hey." He says.

"I'm Katniss." I extend my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Peeta." He shakes my hand.

"I've noticed that you're usually here at the same time I am and I thought maybe we could be friends?" I ask shyly.

"For all I know you could be an axe murder." He jokes.

"That would more likely be my co-worker, Johanna." I joke back.

"Johanna Mason?" He asks surprised.

"You know her?"

"She's my sister."

"Really?! You look nothing alike!" And it's true. Johanna has black hair and brown eyes whereas Peeta has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah. She takes after our mother and I take after out father." He says.

"Ah. I see. Well, so now that we have stated I am not an axe murder, friends?"

"You see, I don't find the point in wasting time on being friends with such a beautiful woman. How about, I take you to dinner Friday night?" He asks. My heart skips a beat. Did he really just ask me on a date?

"I would love that." I say smiling. He smiles back.

The rest of the trip, we chat about life in general. We get to know each other better. We even talk about Johanna's craziness at one point. At some point our hands found each other and intertwined. I notice we're close to the stop where we both usually get off. As we enter the tunnel before the station, everything goes dark. I have a strange feeling that something might happen so I muster all the courage I can and find Peeta's face in the dark. Without second thought I kiss him hard on the lips and he kisses back with the same amount of passion. We break away.

"I love you." He whispers holding me in his arms.

"I love you too." I say. Suddenly, the train jerks and I feel pain everywhere. I still can't see anything. I hold on to Peeta and give one last breath before everything goes black.

Third POV

Later on, Primrose Everdeen, was watching the news. They cut to a live report about two subway trains that had collided. There had been only few survivors who where all badly injured. The reporter boarded one of the trains warning sensitive viewers to stop watching. Prim was a surgical doctor. She was anything but sensitive to blood or wounds. Though, she was not prepared for what she saw next. On the middle of the floor her sister, Katniss, laid all bloody clinging to a blonde boy who Prim suspected to be the guy Katniss talked so much about. He held onto her as well. Both were dead. Prim fell to the ground crying while Johanna did the same in her own apartment. Her little brother was death.

Both funerals were days later. A lot of tears were shed. Nobody would ever forget that Thursday, March 11th. 

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