I know what you did last summer

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Peeta's POV

I walk into Delly's apartment with the key she gave me.

"Yes, baby, I'll see you tonight and it'll be like back at camp." I hear Delly says and giggle. I have a feeling she's been cheating on me since she went to that stupid summer camp with the college cheer squad.

"Hey, Dell." I say making her jump.

"Hey! -I'll call you in 10 minutes- Peeta! Baby! Oh I'm sorry you came all the way here but I have night shift." She says pouting.

"It's okay we can spend the little time we have together rather than non." I say. She smiles.

"You're too sweet." She says and kisses me in tears lips. For then next 5 minutes we make out on the couch and the other 10 minutes we just snuggle and chat. I seems like old time once again, when she would love me wholeheartedly.

But that all changed after summer camp. I'm pretty sure she met someone that would sleep with her because I wasn't ready.

"I gotta get ready. K?" She says pecking my lips once more.

"Mk." I say back. When she goes to the bathroom she leaves her phone behind.

I unlocked it to play this really fun game she has which I always forget to download.

When I unlock the phone I see she had iMessage opened. The name of the contact read Babe😘💋. Thinking it was our chat I decide to re-read our conversations because some of them are really cute.

What I find is not that. There I find a bunch of sexting and planning of secret meetings.

I drop the phone.

I knew she was cheating on me! How could she?! After all we've been through!

"Delly." I call out picking up the phone, I walk to the bathroom door and show the screen to Delly. "Can you explain this to me?"

"Peeta! Were you checking my phone?!"

"No! I was trying to play that game I liked and found this as soon as I unlocked the phone! Don't try to change the subject!"

"It's not what it looks like. I just needed release and David gave it to me. But I still love you." She looks down.

"I'm sorry Delly but I'm breaking up with you. I just can't accept this." I say.

"Please don't leave me! Just hold me close! I swear it didn't mean anything!" She pleads as she hugs me tightly. I get of her grip.

"Then why are you still meeting him?! We're done Delly!" I say and walk out.

*Next day at Starbucks*

"Can I take your order?" The cashier asks me at the same time the other cashier asks the same question to a girl beside me.

"A caramel latte and a cheese croissant." I say at the same time the girl besides me. We smile at each other.



"Okay. Your total is 8.45."

"Thank you." I say and sit and wait for my drink. Tears spring to my eyes as I think back to what happened with Delly.

"Peeta and Katniss." The attendant calls. I go pick my drink up at the same time as the girl from before whose name I now know is Katniss.

We pick our stuff up and are about to go separate ways when I notice I took her order and she took mine.

"Hey, Katniss!" I call out and she turns around. "Seems we got each other's order."

"Omg! I'm so sorry." She says.

"Hey! It's not a problem. We got the same thing anyway." I reassure her taking in her beauty up close and straight forward. Her brunette hair in a French braid. Her outfit casual and perfect fit for her. But her gray eyes are what stun me the most.

"I already put sugar on this so you might as well take mine." She says taking me out of my daze.

"Okay. I don't really put sugar on my coffee but it's fine. I'll take yours."

"Is there a way I can make it up you?"

"Would you like to hang out sometime? Maybe Saturday? Movies?" I suggest.

"Sure. Give me your phone number and I'll text you my address." She says and we exchange phone numbers.

We talk for a while more and then we go our separate ways.

I can't wait 'till Saturday.

So this song is based on the song I Know What You Did Last Summer by Shawn Mendez. I originally wanted Katniss to cheat on Peeta and for him to forgive her but I wouldn't be able to forgive her myself so I came up with this.

P. S: plz don't forget to comment on the thing I published b4 this if you haven't already. It's really important to me.

- Valentina 💋  

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