Hello (Father's Day Special)

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Third Person's POV

It all started many years ago. Katniss and Peeta had been best friends for a long time and dated all through high school. After graduation, they got into the same college where Katniss studied biology, and Peeta, business. They had rented an apartment together. By the time the last year of college rolled around, they were engaged to each other.

It was one faithful day, though, that put a really big dent in their relationship. Peeta had gone to his hometown to visit his sick grandma while Katniss stayed back in California to study for the finals. On the day Peeta was supposed to come back, Katniss had invited their best friend, Gale, to spend the afternoon - so he could also great Peeta and so she wouldn't get as anxious.

As they were waiting, Gale suddenly turned to her, "You can't marry Peeta." He said.

"Why not?" Katniss said shocked at his words.

"Because I love you, Katniss." Gale said and kissed Katniss. Katniss tried to push him away but couldn't. That's when the door opened, and Peeta stepped in. Gale finally let go of Katniss. Katniss was in shock. Peeta was too. Gale just smirked.

"Katniss? What's going on?" Peeta asked his fiancée.

"Peeta! It's not what it looks like!" Katniss said - her eyes wide as plates.

"Then what is it, huh?!" Peeta yelled. "You know what? I don't even want to know. We're through, Katniss. Don't you ever call me again. Just, forget I exist. You can keep the ring, or throw it. I don't care." Peeta said before packing his things and walking out.

Katniss threw Gale out of the apartment and told him not to ever talk to her again. He had ruined her life.

Katniss, later that month, found out she was pregnant with Peeta's baby. She tried to call him every day but he never answered. With time, she only called once a week, and then just once a month, and then every now and then.

This, brings us to now. Two years later, Katniss's year and a half daughter, Willow Mellark, keeps asking to meet her father. With Father's Day approaching, Katniss decides to call him one more time. She calls, but as always, he doesn't answer. Katniss decides to leave a voicemail this time.

"Hi. It's me. I was wondering if after all this years you'd like to meet. We have somethings to go over. I still live in California, if you're ever available. We really need to talk as soon as possible. Bye."

Peeta hadn't answered this time only because he was at a meeting. When he came out, he saw Katniss had called. He would have dismissed the matter as always had he not seen the voicemail. He listened to it and decided to call Katniss back. Whatever she had to tell him seemed very important. He dialed her immediately. She answered after the third ring.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hello, Katniss." Peeta answered. He heard Katniss breath hitch.

"Hi, Peeta."

"I heard your voicemail. What is it that you need to tell me?"

"I... Well... It's better if I tell you in person. It's quite the big news."

"Are you free tomorrow morning?"


"Well how about we meet at the Starbucks on North 10th street? 9 am?"

"I'll be there."

"See you then." He said. Both of them hanged up.

That night, neither of them were able to sleep. All Katniss could think about was what would be Peeta's reaction to knowing that he had a child. That they had a child. All Peeta could think about was that awful night Katniss broke his heart.

Next morning, they met at the door of Starbucks at 9;00 am sharp. Katniss was a few minutes early and decided to order some coffee for both of them. She hoped his order was still the same it always had been. When they saw each other, they basically run into each other's arms. It was beautiful reunion. They had missed one another so much. He missed her sent. She missed his arms. He her hands on his back. She missed his heart beat. Both missed how their bodies molded to each other.

"Hi." Peeta said once they let go.

"Hey. I got us a table and some coffee. You still like the caramel macchiato, right?"

"As always." He said and they sat down in front of each other.  "How have you been?"

"Good. Thank you. And you?"

"Okay. What was it that you needed to tell me?"

"This is so hard for me to say. Please don't just get up and leave once I tell you." This got Peeta nervous. "You have a daughter."

"Are you sure it's mine?" Peeta asked stunned with the news. How could he be sure the child was his?

"Of course it is! I never had sex with anyone else in my life!"

"What about Gale? Or your husband?"

"Gale just kissed me because he had a crush on me. I never kissed back. And that was the only time he ever kissed me. Plus, where did you get the idea I'm married? I am most definitely not!" By this point Katniss was fuming. Peeta simply pointed at the ring on her left hand. Katniss's gaze then softened and she smiled at him. "This is the one you gave me, Peeta."

"You kept it? After all this time?"

"Always." Peeta smiled at her. "I hope your girlfriend doesn't mind."

"I don't have one. I tried dating Delly after we broke up, but I never really got over you, so we broke up. So I have a daughter?!" They both were beyond happy at this moment. They had a chance to get the other back. And Peeta just discovered he was a father. He had always wanted children.

"Yeah. Her name's Willow Mellark. She turns 2 in January."

"You have her my last name?"

"Well, you are the father after all." Katniss said and they both chuckled. After some more catching up, they decided to leave.

"Katniss?" Peeta said.

"Yeah?" She said looking in to his mesmerizing eyes.

"I still love you." Instead of answering, Katniss smashed her lips to his.

"I love you too." She said once they had to breath.

"When do you think I can meet Willow?"

"Are you free right now?" And so they got into Peeta's car - Katniss had taken a taxi there so she didn't have to worry about her car - and drove to her apartment where they both used to live.

When Peeta met Willow his smile was as big as it gets. Willow got really happy as well. She showed Peeta her room, her toys, and her drawings - she had inherited his talent at art. Willow and Peeta watches a movie on the couch until the little girl fell asleep. Peeta carried her to bed and tucked her in.

"Katniss, I want you back. I want to be part of Willow's life. Do you think we could pretend the last two years didn't happen like they did? Like we were always together?" Peeta asked her. Katniss got a confused look on her face.

"I don't know what your talking about, Peeta. We've been together the whole time." Peeta smiled at her and she smiled back.

And that was the first year Peeta got celebrated on Father's Day. 

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