Scaries Thing Tag

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I was tagged to do this by Mockingjay-Swiftie. Prepare to be creeped out 😈

1. Scariest real life experience.
Okay, this is the less creepy thing of the whole tag, but the scariest thing for me was riding a ride I wasn't supposed to at the Miami Santa Clause Park during a family vacation. I was an inch too short for the ride but the guy controlling let me in anyway. My family and I thought the ride was gonna be something that spins really fast. Boy were we wrong. The ride was a swing type of thingy that swung over the tallest trees around. Plus, the ground beneath opened. The harness was one inch big on me. During the whole I felt like I was gonna fall off my seat. I was so scared I couldn't even scream or cry. Every time the ride swung I felt like I was slipping. It was some scary shit.

2. Scariest paranormal experience.
The thing is that I've had so many paranormal experiences in my life that I hard to choose from. I think the worse was when I was in this private school that allowed only girls. Every year a couple of grades would have a sleep over at school that was monitored by the teaches, who were all women, and made lots of fun activities. The thing was that the school was new because it switched locations. The lights in the bathroom were yet to be installed. Anyone who wanted to pee needed a companion and lantern. I remember clearly that, as part of the activity scheduled, we were painted shirt with our hand to be a kind of souvenir. I remember that the first two girls to finish went to the bathroom to wash their hands and one of them needed to pee. I remember seeing girls coming back from the bathroom screaming and the group was bigger as more people finished to paint the shirts. I remember my best friend came in and told me that two girls were trapped in the bathroom. Apparently the girl who needed to pee asked the other girl too keep guar on the door. They heard a maniac laugh and next thing they know the door of the bathroom stall is stuck. I was skeptical as it was one of my first encounters. I told my best friend I wasn't afraid and that I would go to the bathroom with her. Little did I know the scene I would see would make me a believer. As we reached the bathroom opening

(Idk if you can see the entrance on the background upstairs) with the ever growing group of girls, I saw on the wall a shadow shaped as a clown and the where two red lights like lasers where his eyes should be

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(Idk if you can see the entrance on the background upstairs) with the ever growing group of girls, I saw on the wall a shadow shaped as a clown and the where two red lights like lasers where his eyes should be. There was nothing around to create such a shape. We all run back to the room screaming. This having happened a couple times, the religion teacher decided to come with us and as soon as she came the shadow disappeared and the girls stuck in the bathroom were free. As me and my best friend dried our hand (after washing them of course) we saw a black and white blur pass behind us on the mirror and we left as fast as lighting. The rest of the night was normal.

3. Are you scared of darkness? Why or why not?
Yes. A lot. As a child I was always afraid of darkness. It got worse when between the ages of 6 and 10 I got nightmares. Every. Single. Night. Plus, I started having all this paranormal encounters. And between the ages of 10 and 13 I still had constant nightmares, which by the way have always been realistic, the only way to distinguish my nightmares or dreams from reality is a mist at the bottom of my view. Which usually blended in perfectly with the nightmares. I still get them from time to time. So, yeah, I'm scared of the dark. Like, a lot.

4. Does your hometown have any scary stories?
Not that I know of. But I've moved a lot in my life and in one city I lived it was basically enchanted. I remember I used to do ballet. We where rehearing for the big show on this theater that was supposedly enchanted by a ballerina who died year ago and that if you went to the third floor alone she would kill you with the help of the lions that were carved on the walls, that by the way seem to follow you with their eyes.

5. Favorite urban legend?
I don't really have one to be honest.

6. Scariest nightmare?
Well, it was that I went on a vacation with my family. There was a bunch of children and adults. As we were so many kids the adults rented a house that looked like an abandoned club house for us. When we entered, everything was dusty and old. There was this rug doll proper up against the wall. I was ugly as shit. It was worse than Chucky. It was various tones of gray, really fat and at least 2"6. We of course threw it out. The next day when we woke up the doll was in the same place we found it upon our arrival. It slowly turned its head to us and said "really thought it'd be that easy to get rid of me?" I don't remember what I said back but it was a snarky, provocative comments that made it all worse. Next thing I know the thing starts chasing us with a kitchen knife. And I don't remember anything else. But it was horrible.

I now tag
To do this.

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