Chapter 45

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Sin sat between Andreas' legs on the grass, his arms around her. Lana was just a couple of feet away from them, picking absently at the greenery. Thorn was leaning against a tree, as far away from Caelei -- who was sitting with her feet in the river -- as he could possibly get without leaving. The tension between them was palpable, and Andreas shook his head. Poor elf actually thought that Andreas and Sin didn't know what had occurred between him and the little nymph. It was so obvious they had gotten friendly at some point after Thorn lost the bet. He couldn't even last a full day. Andreas almost pitied him.

Both Caelei and Thorn made it a point not to look at each other, but their eyes were like magnets that kept circling back to the other. They were in so far over their heads.

What have you done? Andreas asked into Sin's head, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Hmm? she asked, all innocently, though her tone was a bit distracted. Andreas knew it was because she was still thinking about the moment she sensed Thorn go full Cinder the previous night.

Sin, he's fine. Look at him. You really think he's thinking about anything but jumping the nymph right now?

She sent him a wry little smile in his head. Probably not, but it still upsets me that he was that angry.

Perhaps he wasn't angry at all and it was purely lust.

She snorted. That's even worse.

Andreas gestured at the nymph, who was obviously fine. Is it?

It could get worse.

Then I suspect we will be introduced to that brother of hers she and Raiden keep talking about.

Sin groaned mentally. I hope it's not Roe. If it's Roe, Thorn is going to die and I won't be able to stop him.

No, but maybe I could. Or Raiden. Or even the little nymph. Does it seem like she wants Thorn to die?

Sin snorted again. You've seen my memories of him. You think anybody can tell him what to do?

If he cares enough about Caelei to want to kill someone for harming her, I'm sure she should be able to convince him not to kill the person in question.

Sin made a noncommittal sound. Maybe. I hope so.

Andreas kissed the sensitive spot in her neck. It'll be fine. If it's not, well, you are the one who placed the bet on him in the first place.

She shot him a mental glare. So you're saying that if my brother dies, it's my fault? Thanks Scotty.

Love you. He sent her a smile.

She looked at him with distrust, but was unable to stop the flood of warm feelings that poured into him from her. His smile widened.

He's going to be incredibly furious if he ever finds out you had me cheat for you, Andreas mused after a few minutes passed.

She grinned into his head. Who says he ever has to find out?

Andreas chuckled. You mean like how he believes we'll never find out that he's already broken the terms?

She smirked. What he doesn't know...

Which is exactly what he's thinking, Djin.

I don't take issue with that. She shrugged. It's funny.

Andreas sighed, but the sound came out more like a laugh.

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