Our love remains

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The title of this story came from @mspetterpugmettermug and they should get recognition for it.

This is a sequel to my last book 'Peeta and Katniss; After Mockingjay' and will carry on from where it left off.


Left. Holding her in my arms feels like this make my world come crashing down. Right. Her blood stained on my white wedding suit shirt. The red colour drenching into each thread of the shirt. Left. Her hair bouncing around as I storm through the hospital doors. Right.

This situation makes my life go in slow motion. Im counting each step  take as a whole minute. Left. Right. Left Is all I have been doing this past 30 minutes, besides from worrying about my beautiful wife, unconscious in my arms.

She promised she would be alright and I know she and the babies will be.

Iv'e loved her since I was a little boy and It was a dream to even meet her let alone marry her. But as one of my dreams was accomplished another one fails. 

My dream of having children with Katniss has gone out of the window.

doctors and nurses rush over to us and bring a gurney. The doctors take her from me and out her on the gurney. I give her a kiss on her head as they take her. I try to follow as they take her away, but nurses push me back.

Tears running down my cheek threatening to turn into a river at any second are flowing from my eyes. Instead of following the woman I love, Im left standing in the hallway. Crying, alone and longing for the warmth of her.

I watch as the gurney goes through the emergency doors, that fling back after she has gone through. They take her to theater, for her to have a c-section for delivering the babies.

After that, she is out of sight, but not out of mind.

A nurse comes up to me and tells me to wash myself. I dont want to but I do because they say I cant see Katniss at least for an hour, so I went to the bathroom.

I wash my hands. But seeing her blood drop from my hands mixed with water, going down the drain, sends shivers down my back.  I look at myself in the mirror, so I dont have to look at my hands. 

But my reflection shows a dented, teary-eyed boy who is scared for Katniss looking back at me. Then I hear a clang of metal hitting the sink.

I immediately look down to see my wedding ring and emotions flood into my head. Katniss wanted to get married before labour and she did. Im happy I could as least do that for her seeing as she has done so much for me.

Im now just thinking that Katniss will be fine. "She will be fine, I know it. She will be" I whisper to myself. Finally I walk to theater where I see Katniss. Im standing from a room overlooking the theater.

One by one people come in to hug me or to say "Sorry, She and the babies will be fine"

Haymitch, Luke and sae come in. I hardly take any notice of them. Im too fixed on Katniss. Haymitch hasnt been around much, he has been on the drink again.

Most of the time he is passed out on the floor, covered in his own sick. But today he doesn't seem very hungover or smell like drink, which is good. He will be thinking I need all the support I can get through this. But I just need her, Katniss.

Katniss is laid out on a table with wires in her and bright light above her. She is unconscious with a breathing mask on her face. Its really scary seeing her like this, seeing her incapacitated. Doctors peirce her skin where the babies are and starts digging in deeper.

I tense more and more the further they go in. Im afraid something could go wrong, anything could spell disaster. Blood is spilling out of her as nurses crowd around her. Then a baby comes out crying and screaming.

My hands seazed up and they carry the baby away. A tear comes out of eye. Then another one comes out and I start to cry of happiness.  How can I be happy in a time like this. Katniss is still unconscious.

The doctor starts to stitch up her tummy, when 'Lover of the night' comes on over the radio speaker in the room. I hadn't relised there was one before but this song reminds me of mine and Katniss's  wedding. We were perfect and it was perfect. The song was our first dance as a married couple. It meant something to us. We were happy. 

But at the moment Im obviously not fully happy, Actually the entire opposite of fully happy, dispare. My Katniss's life could choose live or die. But the babies have just been born and they dont have names.

I hoped you liked the first chapter

Stay tuned for more of this story xx :)

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now