Our night out Part 1

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Tonight Haymitch said he would watch Prim and Finnick so Katniss and I could have a night to ourselves. Neither of us want to leave the kids, but Haymitch persuaded us to have at least one night to ourselves.

His veiw on it is that we haven't gone out or been alone since the kids were born. I suppose he is right, but we both dont feel right leaving them with a drunk.

Katniss asked Sae to drop in at some point to check their okay. I haven't seen her much lately, Im mainly at the bakery or home with Katniss and the twins. So I do much else. But Its fine because I love it.

I get to provide and spend time with my family. All I ever wanted was to be with Katniss and have children. Katniss has done way too much for me. She gave me my dream.

Anyway Im walking to Haymitch's now to bring him to ours. I knock on the door and he opens it sober. Good. I dont need him to be drunk. "Hey" I say

"Hi, shall we" He says ushering down the road. "Yh" He closes the door and we walk to mine and Katniss's house.

"So when do you want us to be back?" I ask Haymitch. He turns to me

"Whenever. I dont care. Stay out as long as you want." He smirks

"Why?" I ask really confused.

"Because .... you two deserve it" He smiles

"Since when have you been so nice?" I laugh

"I just thought I would do something nice for you two" 

"Okay" I say a bit freaked out. I never thought Haymitch could be this nice. Wether he like to admit it or not, I think Haymitch cares about all of us.

We walk through the door and Katniss Is with the twins. Prim shouts "Dada" As I walk in and holds out her arms. I pick her up "Hello sweeite" I say to her.

Katniss has just finnished feeding Finnck when she goes upstairs to get ready. I didnt think we were dresing up nice or anything, but If she wants to I will to.

I leave the twins with Haymitch and run upstairs to the bedroom where I find Katniss searching through the wardrobe for clothes.

"Hey, what are you wearing tonight?" I ask

She turns around "Well shall we dress up nice or just casual smart" Katniss says

"Ummm?" I really dont know

"Well I dont know about you but I really cant be bothered with all the dressing up fancy, i'd rather just wear nomal clothes" She admits 

I huff "Good, because I didnt want to get dressed up" i laugh. "Good" she laughs. 

"Im going to quickly pop in the shower, Okay?" She asks

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll get ready in here." She smiles

She turns to the wardrobe and pulls out some clothes and goes into the bathroom to shower. I dress in a simple black and white plaid shirt with dark jeans with a brown belt. I also roll up the sleeves and put on my watch and some simple boots.

I hope im not to dressed down. Then Katniss comes out the bathroom in blue skinny jeans, white pumps, a pale yellow shirt and her fathers leather jacket. It may sound simple but she looks beautiful.

Her hair is in her usual side braid. How did I get so lucky with her.

"Peeta?" She questions and it snaps me out my gaze. "Wh-what??" I say. She laughs

"sorry" I say looking down. "Dont worry Peet" I love the way she gave me a nickname.

"Do I look okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, you look beautiful" I exclaim, nodding a bit to enthusiastically. She laughs. "And do i look okay?" I ask

"You look very handsome" She laughs and nods "Thanks" I blush and look down.

We walk downstairs and tell Haymitch evrything he needs to know about lookng after Prim and Finnick. 

"Now listen. This is the number to call us, If you need anything." I say giving him a number on paper.

"This is their secdual of when they eat and sleep and stuff" I say giving him another peice of paper.

"Their food and sippy cups are over on the kitchen counter." Katniss says

"Okay, okay. I get it no go have a fun evening" He says and ushers us out of the door. "Prims favorite toy is her bear and Finn's is the duck. Just give it to them when they need to sleep" Is the last thing Katniss says before Haymitch closes the door on us.


Me and Peeta walk hand in hand down the path leading away from our house.  I rest my head in the crook of his neckas we walk. Then It hits me.

I dont even know where we are going. I never asked.

"Hey Peet" I say attracting his attention

"Hm yh" He says looking towards me before looking ahead, to look where hes going.

"Where are we actually going?" I ask curiously

"Well I cant tell you" 

"Why not" I joke

"Because Its a suprise" He says and kisses my forehead. We keep on walking and people in town give us loads of 'awwws' and 'there so cute'. I blush everytime they do it. It weird because I dont even know half of them and I feel like they know us.

We get to the Millers house when Peeta says "Right I've got to blindfold you now" He says with a hint of that being a question in his voice. He obviously doesn't want to do anything without asking.

"Okay, just dont leave me." I say. He smiles "I would never do that." He gets out a black cloth and then covers my eyes with it and the whole world goes black.

Peeta stirs me the rest of the way. I lose my footing sometimes but we eventually stopped and Peeta said "Wait there for a second"

"But Peet-" I say worringly

"Dont worry Im right next to you" He says which reasures me. A minute later Peeta tells me to duck down and climb through something. I have no where where we are. We carry on walking for about 2 minutes when Peeta stops me.

I did this chapter in parts because It will be long so I spilt it up. Sorry If you dont like it tht way. Sorry ;(

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you liked the first part :P

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now