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Im back from holiday and I managed to get some ideas together of what will happen for the rest of the book including the idea of @mspetterpugmettermug gave me which wil come later in the story.

Anyway here is the next chapter xx :P


"I dreamt I lost you and Prim" I say looking down at her and then back up to Peeta. His face says it all. Hes worried for me, Hes sure it wont happen and hes sorry I had to witness it.

He pulls me in for a hug. The hug was warm and inviting, his strong arms wrapped so tightly around me that make me feel protected.

Whilst still in the hug he asks "How? Because we wont go anywhere. I promise." And kisses my cheak.

We pull apart and I lean towards Peeta picking up Finnick. I want to have my family close to me, to know it was just a nightmare.

"We walk into the house and find Haymitch with the twins and he leaves. We go sit with them and then you decide to go make a cup of tea, but we have no milk and decide to go to get some. But Prim wanted to go. So you went to get some and....and ." I look down not wanting to continue. 

Peeta senses it and says "Dont worry, If you dont want to  Im not going to force you to say it" He rubbs my shoulder. "No, I will carry on." I look at him and then to the twins before continuing.

"When a earthquake hit. I grabed Finnick and hid under the table. We made it through the earthquake, others wern't so lucky. You were on the north road going into town when it hit and you had no where to p-protect yourself and Prim. You didnt k-know what to d-do and the next m-morning once it passed I f-found y-y-you and Prim.....y-you and Pr-im" i cut myslef off.

I couldn't get my words out. I couldn't look at Peeta, I dont know why but I couldn't. "It's okay Ka-" I cut Peeta off by saying the word I never wanted to.

"Dead" And I looked down to the twins, Finnick playing with his toes and Prim playing with her clothes.

I kissed Prims head closly followed by Finn's and then I kissed Peeta. "I cant lose you two, I just cant" I say as Peeta pulls my in for a hug.

I sob into his top. Eventually Peeta coaxes me out and we sit there for a while. Peeta made me certain I wouldn't lose him or Prim. Now  i think about it, It wont happen because I have had loads of nightmares.

What makes this one different?

After around an hour of me and Peeta with the twins playing on the floor we feed them and pu them to sleep. I watch them for a while until they sleep. They look so cute together. Prims blonde hair interlocking with Finns as they sleep.

I can't believe my life turned out the way it did. If someone told me like 10 years ago that I would be married to Peeta, live in victors village and have two beautiful young children. I wouldn't have believed them.

But Im happy I would have been proven wrong. I love Peeta and my babies. I even have a love for Haymitch.

I feel two strong arms curl around my waist a second later and I know its Peeta. "Hey sweetie" He says and I reply back to him "Hi sexy" Which always makes him blush.

"Look at them.....we made them." He smiles looking at the twins asleep, their so peaceful. I kiss his cheak "I no"  After about 5 minutes Peeta says "Hey whatcha thinking?" He obviously notaiced my vacent look.

"Just how my life turned out and how im greatful" I smile. 

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, that I love it how I married the man I love and you gave me two wonderful children and Im thankful for that" Peeta blushed kissing my head.

"So am I, Im thankful that my dream came true and you married me. Im also thankful for you because you gave me the next best thing in the world, children"

Im blushing as well. He always knows that right thing to say.

"Aww baby, Im sorry it took me so long to relise I loved you. But im greatful you waited that long for me to figure it out. My heart always did love you but my mind was so forign to the concept of love, that it didnt want to feel it. But im so happy it eventually did." I say turning around to look at him and kiss his cheak.

"You love me real or not real?" He asks. It reminds me of when we made up the game. It was so it would help the little lost Peeta find his way back into the world and Im so happy it worked. I say without even an edge of uncertainty ...


 Hoped you liked it xx :P

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now