Hold them forever

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"Haymitch, thanks for laying off the drink for Peeta" I say to him. We are still in the hospital and Peeta went ro go and get some food. Haymitch has been with me for around 10 minutes. 

Haymitch has been thoughtful and didnt drink for the duration of me being 'asleep'."Dont sweat it sweetheart." He slurrs.

Peeta comes in with loads of papers and a bit of bread. He comes over to me and passes me the bread and sits down. He holds my hand, kisses my forehead and looks at the papers.

"Whats that?" I question. "Oh, sorry. These are your discharge papers. I have to sign them. The doctors said you can leave tomorrow" He says smiling at me. "Okay great"



I sit in the babies room on the rocking chair, holding my little Finnick and Prim. They are so cute, I love them so much. I have wanted them for ages, but not as long as Peeta. Once you see how much you want them, Its hard to ever think you didnt want any kids at all.

I make funny faces at the twins and they giggle making me smile. My mother comes in smiling at the babies. She has helped a lot lately. She comes next to me and plays with Finnicks toes.

"Do you want me to take them, so you can get some rest?" She asks lokking at me.

"No, I wanna hold them forever" I say like im a child and laugh a little. Mum smiles aswell.

"Hey mum. Thank you for raising me the way you did. I no that may sound weird because of dad and the dark place you went after. But since then you have tried to help to raise me and that has made me who I am today. So Thanks" I say to her truthfully. Im not usually soppy but I needed to say it.

"Thanks, but I was just being a mum. You'll see" She says, hugs me and leaves.


Sitting here has a beautiful view. It just put things into perspective, being alone having time to think. /so much has happened to me and Katniss in the last year. Me going missing, me going to court, us getting married, Katniss in incapacitated (When she was asleep) for a while and having twins.

Me and her have had our fair share of ups and downs but we have always come through it the other side. But now it seems life is finally going our way. We have a family together. Two beautiful 6 day old babies and a loving wife.

Life is great. I like sitting here, its quiet. But I eventually return home from the meadow and see Katniss. I only left because  we needed some nappies and formulae. Ive been gone about 45 minutes, Katniss might be getting worried.

I walk through the front door and go upstairs. I find her in the nursery/ baby room sitting in the rocking chair, playing with the children. I definitely made the right choice with choosing her to spend the rest of my life with.

I join her with the babies and take Finnick to hold in my lay.

"Hey Katniss. Thank you for everything you have done for me, for us and the man that you taught me how to be." I say to her. She stares into my eyes when im talking and smiles.

"Thanks but Peeta you are the I shoudl be thanking. For teaching me to be the woman I am today. You taught me to love and to finally let someone in. You have made me into a better person and I don’t think I have ever really thanked for that." She says and blushes.

We kiss and feed the twins and lay them down for a nap. We leave the room and go to the living room and sit on the sofa. I hold Katniss's hand in mine.

"You helped me through all of it, you know. The hijacking, the rebelion, kidnapping and the recovery of it. And you were selfless and strong and if im going to be half the parent I know you are going to be then. Then Prim and Finnick are going to be fine." I say to her.

 Katniss blushes. "They are going to be more than fine. Peeta you are going to be a great parent and I know it. And do you want to know how?" She asks

"How?" I ask

"Because in there" She points to my heart "Is the most amount of love and care anyone will ever have and you are going to give to our children."

I blush and she ruffles up my hair. "you silly goof" She jokes We both laugh.

"Remember how you taught me to see the magic in the world?" I ask looking at her. She nods. And I grab a peice of paper in my hand, move my hand up and down fast and the paper disapers. I move my hand again and it re-appers.

"I still do" I say and she smiles.

Later on Katniss's mum said she had to get back to work, so she left for Distict 4. I was rather late at night when me and Katniss laied on the sofa, just chatting, after the twins were asleep, that I turned to Katniss. 

She was laying in my arms her rested on my chest and I asked "You love me real or not real?" And without hesitation she says 


Thanks for reading xx

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now