The book

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"Okay well Katniss, it seems your going to have a girl!" Katniss's mum says and I can see a mix of emotions in Katniss. She looks happy, conflicted, sad and hurt. 

"Katniss whats wrong?" I ask and she starts crying, I hug her

"Peeta....Peeta always wanted a girl be-because he want-ed them to b-be" he says sobbing into my shirt.

"Dont worry Katniss, Its okay" I say soothing her. I do feel sorry for her because of everything in her life has so far gone wrong. The only rock she had ever had, apart from the twins, was Peeta and now that was gone.

"NO! No It wont be. I need him Haymitch, I really do, not just me the kids too. They miss him Haymitch! they really do, at some point they are going to forget him because Im starting to feel he will never come back to me!" She screams.

Jesus! She really over thinks things. I know Peeta will be fine. He has to be. "They wont forget him Katniss-" She cuts me off

"They will they are 2!, he doesn't even know who there are!"

"Shh...Shh... Katnisss" I say until she comes out of hiding in my shirt and we leave with pills in her hand. We walk home and Katniss goes straight into her house. I decide to leave her alone for a while so she can be  alone to think things over.

I walk to Sae's and pick up Primrose and Finnick and take them to mine. They ask on the way "Hawymitch whweres my daddy?" I dont know how too answer until I say

"your daddy has gone away for a while because he had to, he didnt want to but he had to. Dont you two ever forget him because your daddy is a great man who loves you very much" I say. I got a bit carried away but I had to make sure they make sure they knew.

They nod and Finnick says "I kwnow hwe does. mowmmy always tells uws" 

"Thats because its true that he loves you and you need to know that" I say

They hug me and we start to play with there toys


I walk home and run upstairs to my room and slam the door shut tightly. I sink to the floor. Back sliding door the door. Tear rolling down my cheak. Knees buckling. and finally needing the fimilar warm strong arms to be wrapped around me.

The worst thing is that Im afraid of bringing up this baby inside of me alone. Dont get me wrong, Im so happy that Im having Peeta's baby, but he wont be here with me and her.

I sit on the floor for a few minutes and then think that Im just going to go to bed. I get up and sit on my bed whe I notice something. Peeta's bedside table, that has been undisterbed until I decide to open it.

Its in here. Peetas book of paintings. Ive never really looked through it because Peeta always said 'Dont look, there not any good, there just scribbles' But I thought I might look through it.

I open the first page and a tear imeediatly comes out. They aren't scribbles at all, they are paintings of me and Peeta, Haymitch, my mum, his family but mostly me and him. I flick through and feel my heart skip a bit when I see us in the meadow, the twins as new borns, me waking up from giving birth.

Then I come across one that I cry imeedily and trace the lines of her face. The detail in her clothes and face is unbeliveable. He caught the moment perfectly. I dont even remember it. Prim. Prim and Peeta in the meadow of District 12.

At the bottom it says 'Prim and me after the 1st hunger games' I really dont remember this, I didnt even knew it happened. I turned the page and Its me, Prim, mum and dad. How did he even know about this. 

There is a photo tapped to the side of the page of the memory. Its before the mine accident that killed my dad. It was the day my Dad took all of us to the lake. It was a few months before the mine accident. 

How did Peeta find this photo? I thought the district 12 bombing destoryed all my memories. But I guess Peeta always tries his hardest and goes out of his way to make me happy. I love that about him.

At that moment tears begin to flow freely from my eyes without objection from my eyelids. It feels like a river. Just then I feel strong arms wrap around my waist. I look up to be met with sparkling blue eyes and ashy-blonde curly hair.

What? Why is he here? How did he get in? Does he like me again? STOP IT! theres no way he is coming back now.

"Are you alright Katniss?" He asks in a worried voice

"Yh....Yh Im fine" I say Sniffling trying to regain my posture and stop crying. It works to a degree, but Im still teary.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I uh saw you through the window crying and I thought I might help" He says looking ino my eyes. I forgot out bedrooms are facing eachother and my curtins open. He quickly adds on "Im sorry If you dont want me here. Ill just go" He says and removes his arms and turns

I stop him but holding onto his arm "No wait, stay with me?" He turns around. Im hoping he will say 'Always'. 

He does "Always" And I smile, then he does. I pull him to sit beside me.

"So why are you crying?" He asks

"I was uh...looking through this" I say looking at the book

"I remember that" He says and I smile. He remembers !!!. Then his eyes grow wide when he relises whats inside it and closes the books and takes it out of my hands. Im shocked by the action. He pulls the book close to him chest. He never wanted anyone to see it.

"Oh my god, you weren't looking through it were you?" He asks blushing and looking down

"Yh" I say

"You weren't ever supposed to see it" He says in a quiet voice.

"Dont worry Peeta, they were beautiful. Do you think looking at them will help you?" I ask, maybe some more things will click in his head

"Um....sure" He says

We spend the reat of the day looking through the book. When It came to the picture of him and Prim in the meadow.  I ask him "Do you remember this memory? I mean because I never even knew about it" I say

"Um......." He takes a while to think before he says "I think it was before the quell after we came home from the 1st games and the quell had just been anounced, that victors would go back in. I think She was asking me to keep you safe and I was telling her I would and wouldn't stop until you were" He says rubbing his head.

It obvioulsy hurts him to remember this. So I dont push it anymore and say okay. He asks

"Can that be it for that day because my head really hurts?" He asks

"yh, of course we can. "I say.

We stop and shortly after he goes home. For a short while, I felt normality today, being in his arms. I felt safe. 

But that all faded once again as he left for the day.This is seriously killing me. But I have to stay strong for him, the kids and new baby inside me.

Hope you liked it!!

"There are two tradities in life; One is to gain your hearts desire, the other is to gain it"

Thanks for reading!! xx

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now