New borns

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Im woken to two little babies crying beside me. I reach over to the girl who wraps her little tiny fingers around my big finger. She immediately stops crying as I pick her up and starts laughing. Her laugh is so cute, its little and light.

Then I pick up the boy who does the same as the girl. They are in my arms laughing together in sync. The girl wriggles a bit and the boy looks like he is going to fall asleep, so I put him down to sleep.

I feed the girl from a little bottle and I make faces at her, like you do when your a parent. After she is done I burp her, then I play with her little toes and fingers. After that I set her down next to her brother.

I look at them and they remind me of Katniss. One has her eyes and the other has her hair. The girl smiles and its the same one Katniss has. I miss her smile.

Once the babies are fast asleep they are wheeled out of the room by Katniss's mum. She has been helping with them and with Katniss.

Haymitch comes in for a bit and sits with me "You know she is going to be fine. She will wake up" He says to me.

"Haymitch its been 2 days and she hasn't woke up yet. I dont know what to do. I cant keep hiding away from reality. Iv'e got to deal with the situation. I dont know If she is going to be fine. How knows she could.... coul-" I say becoming teary towards the end and not wanting to say the last word

"Hey, she will be fine. She will go home with you and the twins and you will live the rest of your life together" Haymitch cuts in.

"Haymitch she could die" I said. There I said it. I had to eventually say it. The dream of her waking up is getting further and further out of my reach.

"Dont say that"He says. 

"But- "I say

"But nothing. She will be alright. Okay?" He questions.

"Okay" I say.

Haymicth then leaves patting my back and ruffling up my hair


I turn to Katniss and make another root beer float for her. I drunk one at the toasting and Katniss wanted one but she couldn't have one because she was pregnant. Now that shes not she can, just as long as she wakes up.

"You know. If you keep letting these root beer floats go to waste im going to have to start drinking them" I kid looking at the row of drinks I had made throughout the time she has been asleep.

I then look at her with only a few wires coming out of her hands and a breathing thing to help er by her nose.

"Kidding they will be here when you wake up." I say looking at her closed eyelids, wanting them to open.

"You know who else will be here when you wake up?......Our beautiful son and daughter. There amazing Katniss" I look down then at Katniss.

"The boy has your luscious brown hair and the girl has your smile and grey eyes. She looks a lot like you apart from my blonde hair on her. They are wonderful. Katniss and I cant wait for you to meet them" I say cupping her hand, holding it squeezing it.

"But they need you...and so do I" I say. "Come on you promised" I say tearing up a bit. "You promised" I kiss her hand.

I sit back in my chair, still holding her hand.

Hoped you liked this chapter. My sister cried reading it as I was writting it. Shes also been crying in earlier parts of the story.

Anyway Hoped you liked it :P

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now