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Sorry I havent updated but I think I can only update once a week now because of school. Sorry /im in a really important year for me. If I get spare time I will update during the week, but that wont always happen. sorry

Hope you like the new chapter


I wake up and run straight to the bathroom. Morning sickness is HORRIBLE. Some mornings I feel like I cant get rid of the taste in my mouth. After Im finished I check on the twins. They're already up. 

Prim playing with Finn's hair and Finn  looking idly into thin air. I smile at them and when Finn sees me he smiles, giggles and throws his little arms into the air towards me. I pick his up and poke his nose. He squirms and wrinkles his nose.

I laugh and pick Primrose up as well. I take them downstairs to find my mum standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh mum, you scared me" I say out of fright.

"Oh  Im sorry Katniss. I got here as soon as I could." She says smiling and taking Prim off me.

"Thanks. Do you want some tea?" I ask politly 

"Yes please. I'll look after the twins" 

I give her Finn as well and walk into the kitchen while she goes into the living room. I quickly make the tea and while walking back to th living room I hear my mum talking. "You two look so much like your mother." To the twins

I smile at her "Prim you look so much like your auntie. Your named after her. She was so beautiful, just like you. Finn you look like your mother, you have her hair." She says when I walk in. She doesn't notice me at first but she jumps when she does.

"This time you scared me" She laughs.I say sorry and we sit on the sofa, overlooking the twins playing on the floor and drinking. "So why did you ask me down here? You sounded so worried on the phone?"

I haven't told her yet. I have to If I want her to help. she should be fine with it becuase she loves the twins. "Im uh....Im pregnant Mum" I say looking down.

I quickly get drawn into a hug by mum and she sqeezes me. "Im so happy for you and Peeta" She says and lets go. 

"But Katniss, you know the risk of what can happen" 

"Yeah I do, thats why I called you down here." I say and then I explain about Peeta, and not wanting others to know because they will tell him and that he will be all over the place. She understood. 

"I can use the hospital in 12 to do the tests on you. I might transfer down here to 12 to help you with your pregnacy and with the kids."She says

"No, dont worry about me. You dont have to transfer for me or anything-" I say but she cuts me off.

"Katniss, I have been thinking about coming here because your here, theres nothing for me in 4. I only have work there, here I have you and Peeta an the twins. I know I should have stayed here after the rebellion, but I needed time. It was too hard to be here, but Im fine now" She explains to me.

I know what she means. Prim. Just that word in my mind brings back all the memories. I try to keep calm and collected

 "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want to help"

This is new. Stop it!. I yell at myself. My mother isn't like that anymore. She is trying to help, but I cant help but think about how she zoned out completely after father died and me and Prim had to fend for ourselves. But at least she is trying now. Its better then giving up all over again.

"Okay, can I get checked out now?" I ask eagily

"Well, I have to make some calls, then we can go do the tests tomorrow, Okay?" She says

"Okay. Thanks mum" I say hugging her

"I should get going, I need to sort out the hospital" She says getting up.

"Okay, where are you staying?" I ask her.

"Oh Im staying in a little house just down the road so If you need anything just come by" She says walking out the door

"Okay, bye mum" I say and close the door. I walk back to the twins, who may I just say, are looking as cute as ever, and play with them. I play with finnick and his trucks and then Prim with her dolls. I feed them after that and drop them at Haymitch's. 

Peeta comes over around 15 minutes later and I decide that today It might do some good to just paint. I mean he loved it and after watching both of the games, I thought It might be good to do something a bit less full on.

He paints for  a few hours and out of the blue turs to me and says "When can we talk about the quell?" 

I forgot I said we could talk about it today. "Oh, I guess" I say and he sits beside me "What do you want to talk about?" I ask

He asks a lot of little questions about the games like "How long ago was it? Why did we become allies with Finnick and maggs?" But after that the questions got deeper

"On the beach, did that kiss mean something because it looked liked it?" He asks nervously. I dont know what to say. I really did mean something, It meant an awful lot, but I cant tell him a lot.

"Yeah I felt something" I say barely audable, but I think he heard because a little smile creeps its way onto his lips but faulters and fades within seconds.

"What happened after the screen went black?"

Oh, this was a question I was dreading but I cant not tell the truth to him again.

"The arena blew up and we broke out of the arena. A rebellion started against Snow and we won. There isn't any more hunger games because of you and a bit of me" I say leaving out the part about his hijacking.

"oh..." is all he says until he asks another question

"Where is Finnick?"

This is going to be hard

"He died during the rebellion, when we were breaking into the Capitol"

"Oh...He seemed like a nice guy" He says looking down. I nod "He was"

"what happened to Annie then?" He asks

How does he know about Annie? She wasnt on any of the videos we watched. Oh I remember. Finnick was talking about her in his interveiw


"She lives in district 4, with her son Finnick Jr" I say smiling, but also felling sorry for how alone Annie might feel sometimes. 

We continue talking for hours about little things from the quell and then Peeta comes out with a question /i never thought he would say....

"I no this isn't about the quell but i forgot to ask it before, Who and where is that guy who took your little sister away at the reaping to the first games fter they called her name and you volentered?"

"He is um.. is um dead" I say


"I'd rather not talk about it" I say. Just thinking about what he did to him is hard.

"Okay, dont worry about it " He says and continues by saying "I should um get going. I'll see you tomorrow?" He gets up and starts walking to the door.

"Okay" I say and walk with him. I do the usual of collecting the twins, playing with them, feed them, put them to bed and then go to bed myself.

I fall asleep to nightmares about what Gale did to Peeta. Peeta didn't ever really talk about what Gale did to him but we both knew it was horrific. I imagined what he did and fell asleep creating a pool of sweat around me.

Hope you liked it !!  :P

'Life is as complicated as you want to make it' Hollensdale

Thanks for reading xx

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now