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Okay, so this is the last chapter and It is really long.

Sorry :(

I hope you have enjoyed reading this book as well as the last one in this series. I wanna thank everyone who has supported me througtout this story and everyone who may have just started reading cuz I luv all you guys.

Especially because of all the responce about a sequal and its new nam was awesome and mindblowing. Thank ya ! ! !

Luv ya x x x

Here you go ....


It has been two weeks since Kaia Rose died. I haven't seen Katniss since the day she died. I have tried to go and talk to her or comfort her or just do something to help but she doesn't answer the door or phone and the door to her house is always locked.

I just keep wishing to think of a way to show her that im here for her. And always will be.

The doctors say Kaia died from a collapsed lung, because they weren't developed enough. I know that her death was all my fault. If I hadn't stressed Katniss out, then Kaia would be fine, healthy and safe.

But Haymitch isn't having any of it. He keeps telling me it isn't my fault, but I know it is,

But one thing keeps playing on y mind. Why isn't her partner here with her, supporting her and grieving for their child. I just dont get it.

I walk over to /haymitchs house to try again to talk to Katniss. I always go with him, daily, to her house. But she never comes out. Prim and Finn have been in the house with her.

Sae says she has seen Katniss about 4 times. She is the only one Katniss will let in the house. I dont know why.


Two weeks.

Two horrible weeks.

Thats how long it has been. 

Thats how long I have been alone in this house with just my twins.

I miss my poor baby. I miss my beautiful, delicate Kaia. Part of me wishes for Peeta to be here with me to greive, but I know he shouldn't be.

I cant face anyone at the moment. I want to be alone with my remaining family, who remember me. I let Sae come in, just because all she does is cook us food. She doesn't do anything else.

I think it comferts her to know that me and the twins are alive and well, just not outside with others. She wants to look after us. 

I feel like I should start to get out of the house again, because Its not helping anyone, me being in this house all day. Primrose and Finnick always ask to go out and play in the meadow or do to the bakery, so they can see daddy, or go to see uncle Haymitch.

I knew at some point in going to have to leave the house and I chose this moment because there was a knock at the door. I quickly opened it with Prim and Finn in my arms giggling about something they just did.

I open the door to see Peeta and Haymitch standing there with shocked faces, probably because this is the first time they have seen me in a while. Their expressions soon turn sad and worried towards me.

I dont want any sympathy. I dont need it. I have done enough crying and mopeing around to get try and get back to normal life, so sympathy wont help. The ask to come in and they do and sit on the couch.

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now