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Sorry I haven't updated. Grandparent passed away a few days ago so Ive been a bit preoccupied.


I have so many things to ask Katniss about the games, but I dont know how to ask. She seemed so shaken up after, that I felt like I was missing something or that I had said something wrong.

When I mentioned her sister she started to cry a bit, so im guessing something happened. But I really dont know. Im so fed up with having that feeling, All. The. Time.

I have to ask Katniss if she was in love with me because I was apparently in love with her and she kissed me in the arena, so Im completely lost. I also said something about bread in the cave and I also have no idea what I was talking about.

Its not normal that you dont even remember something that was an obvious event in my life. I have so much to ask

I get dressed, have breakfast and walk to the meadow. I dont know where it is so I ask random people around town for directions. They tell me, but seemed confused as to why I asked. I guess I knew where it  was before.

I get there 10 minutes late. I got lost, but Katniss said she didnt seem to mind because she forgot I didnt know where it was and said it was her fault I got lost. It obviously isn't

"Why are we here?" I asked

"Well I just thought its a nice place to chat" She said, but I thought there was more in it than that. Maybe something happened here.

"What are we doing today?" I ask

"I thought we could talk about what we watched yesterday, I mean clear things up in your head"

"Okay, How long ago was the games?" 

"Um....about 5 years"

"In the cave why was I talking about bread?"

"Well Im from the poorest part of town called the Seam and a long time ago me and family were starving, we were going to die if we didn't eat soon. You are the son of a baker and from the upper part of the town." She paused to see If I was following

"Anyway one rainy day I found myself rummaging through the bins out the back of your bakery and your mother scared me off. I ended up slumped in front of a tree and you saw me. You burnt a piece of bread so you could throw it to me. You took a beating from your mother to throw it to me and you saved me and my families life."

"I was so grateful and felt like I owed you because It was such a big thing to do for someone. I didnt know at the time why you did it because we had never talked to before. Thats the memory you were talking about" She finishes.

"Oh" Is all I say. I dont remember any of that, but it seemed to bring a tear to Katniss's eye. It must be important to her.

But there is one part of that 'memory' that doesn't make any sense to me. She said 'took a beating from your mother'.

Why would my mother beat me? Did she do it often? Did she love me? No she couldn't have loved me if she beat me. Katniss senses me deep in thought and asks is everything okay. I say what is on my mind

"Well you said my I took a beating from my mother. Did you actually mean 'beat' like as in hit or something else? If yes, Why did she do it? Do she do it often?" I ask

"Im sorry, but I did sadly mean beat as in hit, but sometimes it would be more than hitting." She says looking down with another tear coming into her eye. I dont know why this upsets her so much. "I dont know why she did it but she...umm...beat you everyday. No matter what you did, she would always find some way of putting you down like you did something wrong and then.....beat you." She continued

I cant believe my mother would do that, I dont even think I could call her a mother. "Wh-why would s-she do th-at?" I get out.

"i dont know. She would beat your brothers as well, but for some reason you would always get the worst and most amount of beatings. Your father never even knew of these events because you and your brothers thought it would be best if it didnt trouble him because you thought it would inconvenience him."

"I have brothers! how many?" I ask excited because I never knew I had brothers.

"You had two"

"Had? why not have?" Why is she talking in the past tense?

"Well they along with your parents died. Im sorry"

I felt my throat close up. I just found out I had brothers then, like that they were gone. Like they were never here. I didn't even meet them, that I know of.  Tears come to my eyes as well.


" 12 was bombed a few years ago, not everyone made it out"

"Why was it bombed? I ask

She doesn't answer straight away, it takes her a while but when she does she shuffles her feet "Um I think it would be best if we talk about that a different time because its a long story" She says nervously.

I dont know why she is acting like this, It doesn't seen like her. "Ok" is all I say.

"Is there anything you wanted to ask?"

"Why did I give you the bread?"

"You were just being you. Peeta you were and still are the nicest person I have ever met."

"Does the bakery still exist?"

"Well the original one was destroyed during the bombing, but you re-built it a while ago"

"Can we go there?" I ask

"Yeah sure." 

~~ At the bakery ~~


We walked to the bakery and when Peeta walked in it looked like he didn't feel anything. To him it is just a building, not the place where he grew up. He looks so empty. He moves around it like he isn't at home and that scares me.

Before the accident this was where he felt most at home. He felt like this was his place to clear his head when things get to tough. Its like his version of the woods for me. Now its like he is a lost little boy in a city of madness .

He doesn't look like he is comfortable here. He is shuffling his feet nervously. This is not the same boy I fell in love with. "Are you okay?" I ask

"Yh It just feels weird being in here, I dont know why but it does" He says

"Do you want to go home?"

"Yeah, I just want to leave" He says and bolts out the door.

After I leave, I lock up and walk Peeta home. I walk over to Haymitch's to pick up the twins. He worked out and arrangement that while im out with Peeta he will look after them. Sometimes he comes over for dinner afterwards and he asks about Peeta.

I tell him about the stuff we talked about today and he says its progress and that he will get better soon. Apparently  Im good for him and im helping him in some way that nobody else can. I duck my head low when I get compliments, I dont take them well.

Haymitch eventually goes home and I play with the twins, until they are tired. On the way to my bedroom, I look through the window and see Peeta in his house topless in a ball crying on his bed. I wonder whats wrong.

He looks up a minute later and sees me staring at him and he turns the light off, so I cant see him. Have I done something wrong? I decide to go to bed and fall asleep to nightmares as I always do without Peeta by my side.

Hope you liked it!! xx

Thanks for reading :P

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now