I cant do this without you

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Sorry i couldn't update yesterday, I was really busy. But here is the third chapter of the sequel and I hope you enjot it :P


"You know Im doing all I can for them...But....they need their mum.........I need their mum" I kiss her hand.

"We all need you. I needed you for a long time, but now your babies need you."

"They dont even have names" I say. I huff and say quickly letting a tear out at the end "We were supposed to do that together." I kiss her hand again.

"I cant.....I cant do this with without you Katniss....I just cant" Im crying a bit now. I look at her and then at her hand. Her eyes are still closed.

"It needs to be you, me and our children. Thats how it should be. Katniss I will hold on hoping for that. But I need you for it to happen" I cry kissing her hand again.

"This whole situation makes me feel our love was kind for a time, but now someone up there" I say looking up "Obviously doesn't want us to be happy. And Im sorry"

 "And Im just afraid.....That Im just going to lose you and Its just going to be the three of us" I kiss her hand and another tear drops from my eye. I look at Katniss again who still has her eyes closed.

I look back to her hands going in to kiss them again. On the way I quickly say "And they dont even have names" Another tear flows down my cheek. I lay my head on her hands closing my eyes facing the floor.

"Prim, Finnick" Comes from behind me in a raspy voice. I jolt up to see her laying there with her eyes partly open. I cant believe it.

"There names are Prim and Finnick, Okay" She says in a raspy voice again. Then she looks at me and half smiles.

I let out a little sigh of relief and laughter an immediately smile. "Okay" I whisper and nod my head. I caress her face and lean towards her going in for a kiss whilst saying. "Prim and Finnick Mellark. God you scared me" 

I kiss her forehead whilst hugging her. I sift my fingers through her hair and kiss her on the lips. I pull away and put my forehead to hers. "Oh my god!" I whisper again.  She strokes my arm trying to reasure me everything is fine.

Katniss's mum comes in "Ahh Katniss" She says in relief and lets a tear out of my eye. "Your awake! thank god" She says and smiles.

"Thanks Miss Everdeen, for everything you have done" I say crying of happiness. "Peeta, no need to thank me. i just did what I could to help support you" She said

Since Katniss and i have been in hospital she has come in everyday to help me cope. She has been great.

"Thanks mum. your one of th best people I know" Katniss says still raspy, but she just woke up so thats how it should be.

"Katniss. Me and Peeta are about to be your second best boy and girl when you meet your new ones" She says crying and pointing out to the hallway.

Katniss immediately reacts and turns to me with a worried voice "Are they okay?" And I say literally straight after her "Their beautiful"

Katniss still worried says "Are they alright? Can I see them?" She asks her mum. "Hold on they are right outside" She says eagerly and leaves. Katniss smiles to me, anxious about meeting our new borns and hugs me.

"I should get the doctor" I say "No, no I want to just be you and me and our babies for a second" She says and caress my face.

Her mum come back through the door holding both of the twins and Katniss's face lights up. "Well, well my baby's had babies" She says and Katniss smiles at her mum.

 She hands Katniss her the babies and Katniss hugs them. "Hey Primrose.Hey Finnick. Do you remember me?" She asks with a tear in her eye.

Katniss pokes Prims nose and she giggles and wriggles. They look so cute together. Katniss's mum leaves the room to give us some privacy.

"I missed you. I missed you so much. Im going to ove you forever" Katniss says to them bursting into tears and kissing there heads. She turns to me, smiles and laughs happily. I kiss her on the lips and we hug as a family.

Then we turn our attention back to the babies and each of us play with their toes and smile at them making them giggle.

"Were a family Peeta. Were finally a family" She says "We've always been family but we've just got new ones to join it." I say

"Very true" She laughs and kisses me again.

This was the dream and its finally here. It was well worth the wait.

Thanks for reading. 

Dont forget to comment or vote xx 

Hoped you liked it :P

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now