Chapter 6

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Kiki's POV:

After class was all over all us ran to the lunchroom looking for Prodigy and Alexus too see what had happened an why they was late to class but i know they gonna give us some bullshit lie so the girls are gonna talk to Alexus alone to see if she gonna tell the truth. When we enter the cafeteria we immediately saw them they were fighting over a cookie -.- but anyway we ran straight over to the table an sat down they immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up at us.

YO!! what is wrong with ya'll two asked Jacob?

They both stared laughing like it was the funniest question in the world which it wasnt to be honest so i asked them what's so funny kinda curious?

Nothing we just knew one of you were gonna say that an there's nothing wrong with us you already know i don't like that teacher an i been wanting spazz on her for the longest plus mellisa made me even more mad by her comment so.. said lexi nonchantly.

Anyway what did ya'll do after we left the class asked prod as he started to eat the cookie they were figting over until lexi took it from him an put it in her mouth.

Alexus dang man i wanted that shouted prodigy, I dont care you took my last root beer so you will get over it Alexus said eating the cookie that she took from prod.

Uhhh... okay but we jus finished watching a movie but we could barely hear it cause miss baker was yelling at everyone for no reason said Juju

Crazy ass bitch said Alexus while laughing her ass off. Aye Lexi you gotta watch your mouth dang you be cusssin up a storm said Ava and Roc in unison.

Yeah i know but i can't help it lexi said laughing once again she seems so happy today maybe its cause she's hanging with her boo prodigy :P as long she's happy im good .

So what's the real reason why you guys were late to her class you had me waiting for your ass alexus for twenty minutes where were you guys asked Ava raising her eyebrow?

Yeah that's what i wanted to know we was calling you texting you everything an no answer so what was ya'll doing i asked smirking at Lexi making her look down at her phone so she wouldn't make eye contact with me.

Uhhh.. Prod you wanna answer there question cause uhhhh i gotta get a uuhhh drink yeah a drink said Alexus getting up an running out in the hallway to get a 'drink'. Well we was late because Diggy.... was uhh messing with her so stepped in to help but then he started following us so made a stop at Taco Bell until he left... yea uhh that's why said Prod, but i didn't believe him both of them are hiding something an I'm gonna find out but these dumb asses over here Roc, Prince, and Ray believed it an Ray actually asked if they brought him a taco like really who ask stuff like dat ?

Lexi's POV:

I'm out here getting a drink cause i didn't wanna answer that question but i know i'm gonna have too cause knowing kiki she doesn't believe whatever lie Prod told them so i know she gonna ask me later-.- ugh!

Anyway i was walking back to the lunchroom when i saw Troy's fine self walking up to me. Hey Alexus i heard you almost fought my best friend Lola is that true he asked me ? Umm i don't even know what Lola looks like where did you hear that from i asked curiously ?

She told me herself so don't lie if you were going to fight her just tell me he said walking closer to me biting his lip. I started backing up some cause he was really close to the point were our lips were almost touching i didn't wanna kiss him cause i like prodigy an i don't know him that well.

Ok Troy i have no idea what your talking about i don't know a Lola an she needs to stop lying on me the girl i was going to fight was Mellisa the hoe soo.. i said looking at him a Little irritated. OHHH yeah i forgot Lola's her real name her thirsty ass friend's made her change her name she doesn't even like them that much you should get know her she really is a nice girl she isn't what she seems to be Lexi Troy told me holding my hand.

I'm just a girl with a past.... Who's misunderstood! (mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now