Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV:

Ray ray, Princeton, Prod and I are walking to Jacob's house right now I can't wait to see him I miss my best friend so much lol!
But when prod had told me about diggy I was pissed an he thought I was crying but I wasn't I have allergies I never cry I always tell myself big girls don't cry so I just gotta let prod wasn't crying that's one thing he's going to learn about me is that I never cry.

So prod did you think I was crying when You told me what happened ?

Yeah why ?

Oh cuz I wasn't I had allergies I never cry big girls dot cry I said to him. Oh so if big girls don't cry then big girls don't need piggy back rides am I correct he asked me while laughing.

No! That's incorrect everyone likes piggy back rides so don't you dare put me down I said as he tried to put me down, he just laughed an kept walking with me on his back while ray and prince just smirked at us but mostly at me.

So uhh ray do you got any candy on you I asked trying to start a conversation ?

Yeah i got skittles, chocolate, peach rings,snickers, and ring pops you want something he asked as he went through his bag.

Hell yeah i want skittles I said which made ray laugh at me an prod shook his head. Don't be shaking your head at me prod I said as I grabbed the pack of skittles from ray an used my other hand to pinch prod cheek!

Thanks ray.... Why you so quiet prince I asked as I turned my attention to him? Don't talk to me Lexi I'm mad at you he said bluntly as he rolled his eyes at me .

Prod put me down for a second so I can talk to prince I told him he put me an started walking with ray towards Jacobs house.

What's your problem I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him ?
You are my problem I told you to leave him alone but you completely ignored me you just had to know he said as he rolled his eyes at me again .

Prince your not my dad I can do whatever I want and he's my friend so If i wanna know something I can ask him an he wasn't even mad when I asked him so calm down .

Sorry Lexi your right he said a he took a deep sigh.
Mmmhm roll your eyes at me again though I said as I started running towards Jacobs house with prince right behind me .

Roc's POV : Im at Jacobs house chilling with the him Troy an the girls I started to get to know Troy he seeks pretty cool an all I guess I judged him to quickly but , anyway everyone is down in the living room watching spongebob even though I'm in high school I don't mind watching cartoons especially spongebob but for some reason my focus isn't on the tv it's on Ava, she looks looks so sexy I never really noticed but she has a beautiful smile and nice big brown eyes.

As my eyes started to trace her curves she got up an started walking towards the kitchen I guess she saw me starring cause once she came close to where I was sitting she smirked at me. I got up an went into the kitchen myself i told everyone I was going to get a snack but really I was going to talk to Ava.

Ava's POV :
I'm sitting in the kitchen on Instagram an eating a banana, I noticed when I was in the living room roc was starring at me it made me get butterflies in my stomach because I have a small crush in him he just so cute as I was scrolling through some pics that my friends posted on Instagram I came across a pic of roc shirtless! 😱 I almost died when I saw this boy is fine as hell I can't even explain!!! As i continue to look at the picture in amazement I heard someone walk in the kitchen do I quickly exited out do Instagram an started scrolling through my photos like I was not just starring at a pic of roc.

Hey Ava what you doing ? I turned around to see roc making his way over to the table once he got to the table he sat next me an let me tell you I got extremely nervous like OMG 😖!!

N-nothing just scrolling through my photos to find a new lock screen for my phone I said not looking up from my phone after a few seconds I found the perfect lock screen it was a picture of me an Alexus in matching black dresses and heels smiling at my cousin Dede birthday party. Just when I was going to set that picture as my screen saver roc snatched my phone out my hand !

What the hell roc ? Awww you look beautiful in this picture , where was this ?
I started blushing 😊and smiling like crazy that I had to look down at the floor an cover my face.
It was at my cousins birthday party I said as I continued to look at the floor an keep my face covered.

Hey don't hide your beautiful face Ava he said as he lifted my chin up making me face him but I kept my face covered until he removed my hands from my face revealing my fully red face.

Aww looks like someone's blushing he said as he chuckled at me. Oh my god stop I giggled as face got even redder I got up an threw away my banana peel I was about to turn around until I felt roc hug me from behind.

Roc's pov:
I got up an went behind Ava when she threw away her banana peel I hugged her from behind. I hope you know that you really are beautiful I Said as I whispered in her ear, she giggled an turned around facing me. Thank you roc she said as smiled at me.

No need to thank me just stating the facts I said as I smiled I started starring into her big brown eyes I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me. I started to
Lean in taking a few glances at hep big plump lips I was kinda nervous I didn't know if she was going to reject me or smack me across my face but to my surprise she was leaning in as well. Once our lips finally brushed against her I leaned in an kissed her 💋 after a few minutes we pulled away an we both bite our lips at each other . Ava stood there for a minute until she just got up an left back to the living room.

That Kiss was amazing I can't even describe it I think.... I think I'm falling for Ava. I took a deep sigh an walked back in the living to be greeted by Lexi, ray, prod, and prince.

Jacob's POV :

So Lexi I'm guessing you know what happened with diggy and prod right ?

Yeah I wanna kick his ass for it but then again I don't Lexi said as she sat in between me and prod on the couch.

I laughed at Lexi comment I swear I love my best friend she's awesome but I swear if she doesn't tell prod that she likes him I will, yeah yeah I know I made a deal/ promise that I wouldn't do say nothing but promises are meant to be broken I know she's gonna be mad but he needs to know I mean it's obvious they both like each other like for example prod just kissed her forehead she has her head resting on his chest an his arm wrapped around her waist like they make it mad obvious !! 😑😏imma send her a text giving her a fair warning.

Lexi's POV: I'm in the living room laying on prod's chest an sitting next to Jacob an everyone keeps smirking at me I really do wonder if prod notices this. I was chilling until my phone vibrated in my pocket indicating I got a text message I sat up an It's a text from Jacob saying he gotta tell me something.

{Lexi_boo}: what u gotta tell me ?
{best-friend}: you ain't gonna like this but if u don't tell prod by Monday that u like him I will

I glared at Jacob is he really Doing this right now

{Lexi_boo}: why are you doing this u promised you wouldn't we made a deal

{best-friend}: because I can an promises can be broken :)

I started to get mad my face to turn red an everything why is he being such a jerk!

{Lexi_boo}: your suppose to be my friend an here you are threatening me why can't u just let me do this myself

{best-friend}: if I left it up to you he would know probably two years from now it's obvious yhu two like each other so like I said u got until Monday

I didn't even reply I was pissed I hate when he does that he did that to me when I like this boy named Tyrone I needed someone to talk to like now before I punch Jacob in the face!

Ava can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second I asked her an she nodded when We got in the kitchen I grabbed a banana an started squeezing the hell out of it.

Woah woah calm down what's wrong Ava asked me as she Took the banana out of my hand an through it in the garbage.

Jacob he texts me an he's like oh you got until Monday to tell prod u like him or he will like didn't we make a deal on this he's like promises an deals can be broken that pisses me off !! He can't be trusted an he's suppose to be my friend.

He's dead wrong for that like for real you can't make a deal with someone then go back on it like that makes me mad.... So are you gonna tell him ?

I guess I'm just really scared like what if he doesn't like me back or I do something stupid Or what if he la- I got cut off by a smack to the back of my head from Ava .

Get a hold of your self girl your going to be fine ! You guys already act like you go out anyway so chill but I'm mad at Jacob for doing that to you it ain't right!

I know right he's annoying like oh my god !! I hope everything works out well I said as I took a deep sigh .

It will boo Don't stress about it Ava said as she walked over an pulled me into a hug.

Umm can I ask you a question Ava said as she pulled away from our hug? Sure

How would you feel if me and your brother went out ?
That question kinda took me by surprise..

Umm... I wouldn't care I just would be afraid I would lose my best-friend to my brother or my brother to my best friend.

Trust me that won't happened boo Ava said while smiling at me.

Wait you guys go out I asked smirking at her? No I wish but we kissed today so we just might!

OMG are serious ahhh you guys would be a cute couple I said completely happy and shocked. Thanks Lexi I love you girl your the neatest friend I could ever ask for.

I smiled and hugged her we walked out of the kitchen we both glared at Jacob an day down but I got bak an grabbed my stuff I was leaving I was tired an I didn't wanna see Jacob's face.

Okay everybody imma head home I'm tired as hell I have everyone a hug except for Jacob.

Lexi you want me to walk you home prod asked as he started to get. If want to prod I said smiling making my way to the door from the corner of my eye I saw prod making his way over to me I smiled an walked out the door with him the entire we were walking he kept making me blush an laugh once we got to my house we chilled an watched movies until roc came home then prod I was a little sad but I got over it an went to bed.

I'm just a girl with a past.... Who's misunderstood! (mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now