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its the meet up here in LA and I am extremely excited

"do not make a scene" Nash said as we were walking backstage

I laughed, "I won't unless I have too" I said and he just rolled his eyes playfully

"DALLLASSSS" i yelled as I ran into his arms

"how you doin Hopkins" he asked and I just hugged him

"im good," I said

but then i punched his shoulder, "what the hell?" he asked and the remembered

"told you i could throw a punch" i said and he laughed

"it didn't even hurt" he said and i made a face and he mocked me

"Nash, my man" some of the guys got up to give him a bro hug

except for like 3 of them, which means one of them is Matt

"which ones the one I have to set straight?" I whispered to Cameron

"the one in the galaxy shirt" he said and I looked at him

he was very attractive, he had brown hair and brown eyes and he was smiling at something on his phone. he had a nice smile

oh shut up Sarah, he's a dick

"okay guys, this is our best friend Sarah. and she really only wanted too come see me but you guys were included, so introduce yourselves" Cameron said and I giggled

"I'm Jack Johnson," a blonde kid with blue eyes said. in my opinion Nash has the best blue eyes out there

"I'm Jack Gilinsky" a kid with dark hair and an amazing jawline tells me, I smile at him

"I'm Shawn Mendes" another dark haired kid said too me

"I'm Taylor Caniff" a skinny kid with nice teeth said and I smiled at him

"best for last. I'm Matthew Espinosa, but I bet you already knew that" Matt said and tried to kiss my hand

I pulled my hand away, "sadly i did"

"oh shit" Taylor said and I looked back at Nash and Cam who were trying not to laugh

"Nash, can I get some water" I asked and he nodded

"lets go" he said and I nodded and started following him

"hey Sarah?" Shawn said in his very cute Canadian accent

I looked at him, "yeah?"

"you're staying for the show right?" he asked and I nodded

"of course" I said and he nodded and smiled

"but I'd like to be backstage. because I don't want to get trampled" I said and Cameron laughed

"alright" and I just smiled

I followed Nash to the concession stand

"god I hate that kid" I said and Nash busted out laughing

"what" I asked as I tried not to laugh

"his face when you pulled away from him, hes so used to girls melting in front of him" he said and I laughed, "I hate him" I said and Nash nodded

"I do too" he said

"I don't want anything to do with him. ever" I said as I took a drink of water

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