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"Sarah Hopkins?" a male doctor comes up to us

i bolt up

"is she okay?" i immediately blurt

"yes, we were able to revive her after she flat lined,"

"flat lined?" i looked at him wide eyed and he nodded

"she's stable now we're just waiting for her to wake up" the doctor tells us

"can i see her?" he nods,

"follow me"

"Matt we're here," I hear Sarah's parents say and i walk with them to Sarah's room

I see Sarah on the bed and my heart completely shatters

I hear her mom gasp and cry out a little cry, I look to see Molly covering her mouth to try not to make a sound and break down in front of everyone

when we fully walk in with the nurse she begins to talk to us but I was focused on how pale Sarah looked

she had IVs in her hand, and she looked like she was sleeping, but I wish thats all it was. her sleeping

the monitor begins to make a flat sound and the nurse frantically presses a button on the wall, doctors rushed in and we were rushed out

"SARAH" I called out

Taylor and Cameron had to drag me out as I fought to stay there with her

I sat on the chair in the waiting room with my head in my hands and just let my tears fall, i don't care who sees me

one of the nurses comes out to us and I literally charged at her

"is she okay?" i ask and the nurse looks at me with sad eyes


"sir, no she isn't gone but she isn't okay. her organs are failing. she's on a respirator, and it's breathing for her right now."

I run my hand through my hair

"she'll be okay. she'll make it right?"

"she needs a kidney transplant. if she doesn't get it, there is a great chance she won't make it."

she tells me and I feel as if my whole world has stopped.

"I need to see her." i say as i push past her


"you coming Molly?" Taylor asks and I nod,

"just give me a second," and he nods

as soon as he walks into the room I walk up to a doctor

"hi, I um I was wondering... what are the odds a kidney becomes available?"

"it's hard to say. to find the right match could take some time." the doctor says, "is this about Sarah?"

I nod

"does she have much time?" i ask

"no, i'm afraid not."

"take mine. she can have one of my kidneys. i can live with just one"

"Molly, we're not even sure you're a match"

"let's find out."

"alright, follow me." he sighs and I follow him to a room

an hour later I walk into Sarah's room

"finally, where were you at?" Taylor questions me

"I just took that test to see if my kidney is a match for Sarah.." I say and Taylor looks at me


"Taylor I had too.. she's my best friend." i said my voice cracking

"there could be a donor.. another one" he says

"she's getting worse, Tay. what if it were me laying there? what would you say to Sarah? what would Sarah do?"

he sighs,

"we don't know anything yet. we don't know if i'm a match. if she'll be okay. but the only thing we do know for sure is that if I do this for Sarah.. I could save her life."

"I love you. I love the person that you are, your strength" he says as he engulfs me into a hug

I look back at Matt who's sitting next to Sarah's side. he was looking at me

I walk up to him and hug him, "she'll be okay." i say and he nods and squeezes Sarah's hand

"we'll leave you alone for a bit, we'll go home to shower and then we'll let you go.." I say and he nods,

"sounds good."

as we drive home I lay my head against the window

"i'm scared." I say out of the blue


"i'm scared." i repeat. "i'm scared to lose her. i can't lose her. i just i can't." i sob

"you won't lose her Molly. she is going to be okay." he tells me

"i'm not strong enough for this. all my life, i've faced things. things that were bigger than me, things that I felt defeated me, I just kept going until I beat it. but not this. this is too big. i'm not strong enough, Taylor. I'm just scared. i'm terrified of losing her. really losing her."

"Molly you are extremely strong and if you're not able to handle this and you feel like you're going to break down, you have me. I'll be here to help you." he tells me as he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers


I sat next to Sarah in complete silence for a couple minutes before I fathomed what I wanted to say

"hi babygirl. i'm still here beautiful. you know everyone's here for you. hoping and praying you'll be okay. that you'll wake up. please wake up.I don't... I don't want to live without you, okay?

I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt you. I love you so much, and this world is too big and it's too dark and it's too much if you leave it. and everyone's putting on a really brave face, but I think they're all really scared. because they can't imagine losing you." I pause for a second trying not to let my tears fall

"because it's too much to imagine. but that's not going to happen is it? because you my love are too strong for that. so why don't you- why don't you surprise us all and open your beautiful eyes and take my breath away like you know you do. just open those eyes... those eyes that see me like no eyes ever have, and i'll be right here next to you, waiting for that moment." I say as I kiss her forehead
A/N so this was lowkey good

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