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I nervously walked into Sarah's hospital room. she was still in a coma and of course Matt was beside her, this is too hard I try to turn back around but end up running into Taylor

he gives me a look and I walk toward Sarah

"hey man," Matt says

I nod at him

"are you okay?" He asks

I shake my head, "I'm the reason she got in the car..." I say and he looks at me

"you're the reason she got in the car?"

I nod, "I'm sorry,"

"get out."


"first you get Katie pregnant and now you about kill my girlfriend. get out before I beat your ass"
I walk out of the hospital and sit in my car

he's right. I don't deserve to be there

I almost killed her

or I did kill her. if she doesn't wake up from this coma then she's dead and I'm the reason she's dead

I've been such a terrible friend. I know that and if I could back and change my ways I would

but it doesn't work like that.

I miss her, alive. I shouldn't have fought with her this morning. I had no right.

but she shouldn't be mad at me anymore. Katie and I have something and I know that sounds bad but it's true, we have something

and now we're going to have a family and Sarah had to get over it
Molly POV

they just finished taking my kidney out

I feel great, I'm saving my best friends life. I can use that against her now

"how are you feeling baby?" Taylor asks and I smile at him

"I'm okay, how's Sarah?"

"they just took her into to surgery"

"how's Matt holding up?"  I ask

"he's doing better now. I'm really proud of you," he tells me and I smile

"it was the right thing to do," I said and he nodded

"she's lucky to have you as a friend" he says

"I'm lucky to have her," I smiled and he kissed my forehead
A/N I have no clue what i'm writing, I apologize if it sucks

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