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"pool dayyy" Cameron yelled running down the stairs and almost falling down them

i laughed,

i'm sorta looking forward to it, i mean you already know whos going to be there but it's okay

"okay lets get ready" Molly said and pulled me upstairs

i put my black bikini on, Molly had a white bikini

"are you going to be okay with seeing Matt and skank" Molly asked

i laughed at the name we gave her, i nodded

"wait of course you will, you look fucking hot in that bikini" she said and i looked down at myself

"i do look pretty sexy" i said and Molly nodded, i laughed

"alright lets go" i said and she clapped and smiled a big smile

she's super excited

Taylor's pool was huge,

"my god" i said and Molly laughed,

"i said those exact words when i saw it the first time" she said

I pushed her & she laughed

she is so sexual it's crazy

i put my stuff on one of the fold out chairs and laid down

"hey guys" Katie's skanky voice said

"gross" Molly said next to me and i laughed, "yeah i know"

the next thing i felt myself being lifted, i opened my eyes immediately


"DON'T YOU DARE" i yelled

"TAY PUT ME DOWN" i heard Molly yelling beside me

Cameron and Taylor were both laughing as they threw us in at the same time

i came back up to the surface and made a face at Cameron and he continued laughing, everyone was laughing by now. even Matt and Katie

i got out and went after Cameron, "get over here you little shit" i yelled and he just laughed and continued running

i stopped after a while because i was out of breath, i grabbed my side and panted, "damn, i'm out of shape" i said in between breaths

i looked around to see where Molly was but my eyes landed on Matt's

they weren't there usual brown color,  they were a smidge darker and he was biting his lip

my heart was racing but i looked away and spotted Molly

"do you notice anything different about Matt" i asked her quietly as i walked over to her

she looked at him and busted out laughing

"what?" i asked

"he's totally fucking you in his mind" she said and i shoved her

"i'm serious" i said and she nodded

"so am i" and she laughed harder

"whats so funny over here" Nash asked and i glared at Molly

"nothing" Molly said laughing

Nash looked at me and i shrugged, he pouted and i laughed

"still need to work on it" i told him

i looked around and Cameron was standing beside the pool talking to Matt and Katie

she's literally always by him, she like clings to him for dear life

"hold on, you might want to record this" i said as i quietly went up to Cameron

"um Cameron" Katie began but i decided to run because she was definitely going to say something

i grabbed his torso and pushed him into the water with me

when he came back up he wiped his face and smiled

"that was good" he said and i smirked,

"i know"

"im gonna go to the bathroom, alright baby" Katie said as she pulled away from Matt

"surprised he isn't going with you" i mumbled

"excuse me?" she said looking at me

"nothing" i said and could hear Cameron snickering behind me

she rolled her eyes and walked to the bathroom

i turned around to look at Cameron, he was laughing now

"shh" i said and laughed along with him

i got out of the pool, "hey Sarah," Matt said

i love hearing him say my name

i looked at him

"could you maybe take it easy on her?" he asked and i scoffed

"i don't like her" i said and crossed my arms

"just give her a chance" he said

"lol no" i said and walked away

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