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i woke up to Matt's arm around me, he was slightly snoring. i smiled at his cute self

i carefully got up without waking him

i walked downstairs to be met with Nash

there was an awkward tension, since we haven't talked since the whole Katie thing

"morning," he says

"morning" i reply

"how'd you sleep?"

"okay why are you asking me questions?" i ask and he looks at me dumbfounded

"i'm just making conversation, chill out"

"i can't just chill out Nash. it's more than a stupid fight" i say and he rolls his eyes

"you really have changed," he mumbles

"excuse me?"

"you've changed. we used to be so close but now you can't even look at me because i got a girl pregnant, you see if it were back then you would be happy for me, jumping with joy"

"you got Matt's ex pregnant. am i supposed to be okay with that? she literally harassed me every second she could but what does my 'best friend' do? he sleeps with her and gets her pregnant. but you know it's okay i should be jumping for joy." i say putting air quotations around best friend

"if i never introduced you to Matt this wouldn't have happened."

"this is not Matt's fault"

"yeah, this relationship you guys have started all this shit"


"is that what you're telling yourself every time you kiss him?"

my eyes widen at the sudden outburst

"you know what, get out of this house."

"you can't kick me out," he says chuckling

"fine, then i'll go." i say grabbing my phone and keys and heading out

"go ahead, it's not like you'll be missed," he mumbles but i heard him

tears stream down my face as i drive to god knows where

i'll go back home, i just need to be alone

this was originally all for Nash, i did this for Matt to leave him alone

falling in love with him was definitely not the plan

while stuck in my thoughts, not realizing my light was on a red a car runs straight into mine

everything goes black


Molly and i are driving around and laughing, it's something we do every morning just for the fun of it

we stop at a light and witness a car crash

"Taylor... is that Sarah's car" Molly asks frightened

i exit the car along with Molly

I run to the driver side and see a bloody Sarah, her eyes are closed

Molly cries out

"call Matt!" i shout at her as i try to open Sarah's car door

the car that hit Sarah is long gone

i open the door and i drag her out, she's unconscious and soaked in blood

Molly breaks down unable to do or say anything

"get in the car" I say as i pick Sarah up and put her in the car

Molly sits with Sarah and cries as i call Matt

"hello?" he groggily answers

"Matt get dressed and get your ass to the hospital... it's Sarah"

"where the hell is she?" he asks alerted

"she's been in a car accident Matt. Molly and I are taking her to the hospital, meet us there" i say and hang up

i exhale and look at the mirror to see Molly with her eyes closed, praying.

we rush in and they take Sarah back with them

I hold Molly in my arms as she cries

Matt frantically walks into the hospital and spots us

"where is she?" he asks

"they just took her into surgery"

he sits down and puts his head in his hands

he exhales slowly

"did you guys witness it?" he asks us and we nod

"was it bad?" he asks and we nod once again

"i have to call her parents" he says as he gets up and walks to a corner

i decide to call Nash and Cameron, she needs all the people that care about her around her

I call Nash and he answers on the second ring

"whats up man," he says cheerily

"Nash get Cam and come to the hospital, Sarah's been in an accident."

there was a long silence before he finally said something

"i can't. i'll tell Cam but i can't come"

"why not?"

"because i'm the reason she got in the car. we had a fight and she left and the last thing i said to her was that no one would miss her. oh my god" he says as he breaks down

"Nash it's okay. man you have to come"

"no, i'll tell Cameron but i won't be there" he says as he hangs up

Matt will not be happy to hear that

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