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Molly POV -- lolol

"I'm worried about her" i told Taylor, Cameron and Nash

"she's just having sex" Cameron said, "It's normal"

"with different guys every night, that is not normal" i argued

"yeah she has a point" Nash said and i nodded, "thank you Nash"

"but maybe its her way of getting completely over him" Cameron said

"okay man, having sex is fun and maybe it is her way of getting over him but she's going to get a disease if she doesn't dial it down" Taylor said and i nodded

"plus its all over twitter" i added

"what?" Cameron asked

"people are tweeting about it. about her having a lot of sex" i said

"has she seen it?" Cameron asked and i shrugged

"i haven't had a decent conversation with her since the pool day" i said

"we need to stop this" Cameron said and i nodded

"but how?" i asked as we watched the random guy she spent the night with leave

"you talk to her" Cameron said, "you're a girl and you're her best friend"

i nodded and started walking upstairs
A/N short i know, i just needed some transition chapter

i hope you're liking it so far though!!

vote comment!! let me know what you think

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