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"Matt's comin over too right?" i asked and Molly nodded,

"of course, we have to invite your boyfriend" she said and i laughed

"he is not my boyfriend"

"whatever floats your boat"

"you say that a lot" i said and she nodded and laughed,

"finally joining us?" the guys asked as Molly and i walked downstairs and i flipped them off

i looked around the room but didn't see the one person i really wanted

"alright i'm here" he said as he took his coat off and put it on the hanger

i smiled and then sat next to Cameron and Molly

"alright so what the heck are we even supposed to do?" i asked and they all shrugged

"wow, you guys are lame" i said and they shook their heads

"we are not lame," they all said in unison

i widened my eyes and then laughed

"lets have a dance party" Molly suggested

and i nodded, "will you dance with me" i asked and she nodded

"i'd love to baby" i laughed at her words and she turned the music up

we were dancing when Matt stopped us

"hey Sarah, can you grab my phone for me? i'm too lazy to get up but i want to record you guys" he said and i laughed and nodded

he bolted right up, "wait don't" he said but it was too late

my eyes widened and i cleared my throat and took the papers i was holding to the kitchen with me knowing he would follow me

and turns out he was right behind me,

"Sarah," he began

"i don't want to talk about this" i said

"obviously you do if you have the papers,"

"you didn't sign the divorce papers. fine. i get it. you aren't ready to end it. end of discussion" i said not looking at him


"what?" I yelled, "you're wife is waiting for you, but you're too busy making me love you even more"

"this is hard for me Sarah,"

"well let me make it easy then. i'm not gonna be that woman. the one that begs you to want me. i'm not gonna be vulnerable. so you either sign the papers or you don't, the choice is yours. but try not to make the wrong choice again. or maybe the wrong choice was coming to apologize to me." i said now looking at him, i try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist

"look i was married for 2 years. Katie is my family, or was whatever but that is 2 birthdays i spent with her, 2 Christmases, 2 years of my life. I might not feel the same but of course I hesitated"

"do you love her?" i whispered

and he shook his head, "no. not as much as i love you"

"so you do love her?"

"Sarah, i love you. you are the one i love." i scoffed,

"I thought you were done"

"Sarah please, it'll be alright. we'll be alright"

"No! we won't be alright. because i'm not alright! because you have a wife, and you can't sign these damn divorce papers and make it alright. you just- you tell me you love me but you can't choose."

"Sarah, i do love you."

"i don't care anymore Matt. i'm out of this so called relationship. go back to your wife" i said as i push the papers into his chest and leave him in the kitchen
A/N you thought they were going to be fine, ahhhhhha i had to add this part

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