Chapter 8

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I step out of the truck in front of the bridal shop and wait for Cole to come around and join me on the sidewalk. He glances at his phone and then scans the cars parked along the street. "I don't think she's here yet." He says, leaning against the side of the building.

"Gosh, it's hard to believe Annaleigh is getting married. How old is she now?" I ask, stepping over to join him against the wall. "Um... 23 maybe, I'm not really sure. I try not to keep tabs on her." He gives me a cocky grin and I smack his arm, "Cole!" I say, trying to muster some indignance in my voice but since I'm laughing it doesn't really work.

He just laughs along side me, "No really, I'm pretty sure she's 23. She just got engaged a few months ago but she's been with the guy for a year or more." I raise my eyebrows at him, "The guy?" I question, "Do you not like him?"

He shrugs but his expression is a little guarded, "I mean, he's a good guy I guess, just not really who I would have put my sister with. I mean... there's nothing wrong with him, he treats her right and all. It's just... ugh, I don't know... he's a good guy though."

I stare at him for a moment, not quite sure what to make of this. "Does he have a name?" I ask after a slightly awkward pause. "James." Jake replies shortly. I nod in acknowledgement but before either of us can say anything else there's a loud squeal and then the quick staccato clicking of someone running in high heels.

"Dylan!" Annaleigh squeals again as she runs up to us and throws her arms around me. "I haven't seen you in forever, how are you? What are you doing here?" I laugh as she relinquishes me from her bone crushing hug, "I'm good, Cole said you were dress shopping and claims he knows nothing about girls, so apparently I'm his womanly opinion."

She laughs as Cole shoots me a look, "Oh my, well that does sound like Cole." She shoots him a blinding smile, stepping away from me and opening her arms towards him for a hug. "And, how is my favorite brother?" She asks, as he steps forward to hug her.

"I'm your only brother." He reminds her with a grin, squeezing her tightly before stepping back. "But, it's good to see you anyway Anna." She shoots him another smile and then gestures towards the door, "Shall we?" She asks, we both nod and then all 3 of us step into the bridal shop.


"What about this one?" Annaleigh asks, turning in a slow circle to give us a full view of the latest dress she's tried on. Cole makes a face, earning a pointed look from Annaleigh and a slap on the arm from me.

I turn back to her and then slowly shake my head, "No, it's pretty but I don't think it's the one." I say and she nods, "Totally agreed." She says with a sigh before heading back to try on the next one.

After a few minutes, filled with Cole complaining about how bored he was, Annaleigh comes back out. As she rounds the corner I gasp, she's absolutely stunning.

The dress, while simple, is quite elegant. It's white and flows to the floor with beading and other designs adorning the sweat heart bust line. It fits her beautiful and she looks absolutely stunning.

As she steps up onto the small podium in front of us she's smiling widely. "Oh Anna," I say quietly. She turns to look at me and there are tears in her eyes, "I know," She whispers, smiling.

We both turn to look at Cole who is sitting beside me with his mouth hanging wide open. I elbow him lightly in the ribs and he closes his mouth, swallowing hard before speaking. "Anna, you look..." He trails off, still staring at her.

She laughs and looks back at me, "I think this is the one." She says, Cole and I both nod fervently. She smiles again as the consultant comes over to stand next to her, "So, Annaleigh... Are you saying yes to the dress?" She asks with a smile. Annaleigh reaches up to wipe the tears from under her eyes and nods, "Yes," She says quietly, "I'm saying yes to the dress."

We all cheer and she smiles again, laughing a little. Then she holds open her arms and gestures for the two of us to come hug her. We quickly go over to her and she wraps us both up in a tight hug.

I hear Cole quietly whisper in her ear, "You look beautiful Anna, Mom would be so happy." I feel my heart break just a little bit, their mom died when Cole was 6 from cancer and I know how much Annaleigh would want her here for her wedding.

Anna kisses Cole on the cheek and whispers a quick thank you. I feel as if I'm intruding on a private moment but then Annaleigh glances at me and smiles, pulling me tightly towards her, "Thank you for coming back to him, he really needs his best friend." She whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear.

I give her a watery smile, trying hard not to burst into tears, "I'm not going anywhere." I tell her and she gives me a smile before releasing us. "Okay, let's get me out of this thing before I really lose it." She says and the consultant leads her back to the dressing room.

Cole looks down at the floor, "Thanks for coming with me," He says, not meeting my eye, "I don't think I could have done that without you." I step forward and, using my index finger, lift his chin up so that he has to look me in the eye. "I'm not going anywhere," I tell him, "I hated not talking to you and I'm not going to let you go that easily again... I'm not going anywhere."

He pulls me into a tight hug where I fit perfectly against his chest. "Thank you Dylan." He whispers against my hair and I squeeze him tightly, neither of us saying anything for a long time.

We manage to pull ourselves together before Annaleigh comes back out carrying her purse. "Okay," She says lightly, having composed herself again, "Let's get out of here and grab some dinner or something."

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