Chapter 14

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"Are you going to the party tonight?" Lena asks me. She's on speaker phone while I sit on my bed doing homework. "I don't know, I've barely had any time to myself these past couple weeks. Annaleigh's really thrown herself into this wedding planning and it's 2 days away."

    "Please?" Lena begs, I can practically hear her batting her eyelashes at me. I sigh, "Fine." I concede. "Yay!" She squeals, "I'll pick you up at 8." I hum in agreement, "Cheer up Dyl, just think, Cole will be there." I groan, "I never should have told you about that."

    She laughs, "Please, you love me." I roll my eyes, "Whatever." I can tell she's laughing silently, "See you at 8." I hang up and then drag myself off the bed to get ready.

    I put on a short, white sundress and then pull my green army jacket on over top of it. I lace up my combat boots and then head into the bathroom to fix my hair. I plug in my curling iron and then pull out my makeup bag. I quickly brush on a light layer of makeup and curl my hair into loose curls. I pin the front pieces back so they're out of my face and then appraise my reflection in the mirror. Once I've deemed myself worthy I head out, meeting Lena at her car.

We arrive at the party a little while later and head in. We greet some people we know and join them on the dance floor. I wave to Kyle, who's dancing with some junior girl I don't know, but don't see Cole anywhere.

After a while I excuse myself from the group and head towards the kitchen to grab a drink. I'm about to step through the door when I hear a familiar laugh and stop myself. Slowly I peer around the corner and look in.

Cole's leaned up against the counter talking to some girl. She says something and they both laugh. I watch as he reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and kisses her forehead. My stomach clenches and I lean back against the wall, not wanting to believe what I just saw and not wanting to imagine what might be happening now.

I feel tears come to my eyes and quickly chastise myself. It's not like we're a couple, hell I was the one who said I didn't want a relationship. You were wrong, my heart screams at me. Gosh, I really was wrong, I want him so much. I have to get out of here.

I quickly hurried out to the living room, trying hard to keep the tears from spilling over. I found Lena and took her arm, "I need some air, I'll be at the car." She nods, giving me a questioning look. I just shake my head, if I tell her I'm going to cry and then it will be real.

I hurry out of the house, hardly noticing Kyle throwing a concerned look in my direction. I practically sprint to the car once I'm outside, letting the tears fall.

Gosh, I feel so stupid and I can't help but wonder who she is and what they're doing now. Did he kiss her? Does he like her, has he moved on so quickly? I didn't want a relationship so he decided to pursue other options?

I sink down to the curb, hugging my knees to my chest and hating myself for feeling this way. I hear footsteps behind me and turn slightly to see Kyle coming over.

He takes a seat next to me and nudges my shoulder. I wipe at my eyes, grateful that he doesn't come right out and ask me what's wrong. I know he's wondering just like he knows that I need space.

Somehow I find myself telling him everything. I start at the beginning, telling him about our fight sophomore year (which I never really told anyone before), about Cole confessing that he loved me, about loving him too. I tell him about our kiss, about not thinking I wanted a relationship and then realizing that I do. I then tell him about the scene in the kitchen, the way he brushed her hair behind her ear, the way he kissed her forehead, the way she was looking at him.

Kyle listens intently, not saying anything for a long moment after I finish. "I love you Dyl." He says eventually, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I lean against him, "What do I do Kyle?" I ask. He sighs, "It'll work itself out, it always does. You're Dylan and Cole, you're going to be okay..." He kisses my forehead and squeezes me tightly. "It's all going to be okay." I sure do hope he's right


I have trouble sleeping, eventually I give up and crawl out of bed. I pace around my room before deciding that I can't stay cooped up in here. I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and grab my keys. I head out to my car, not caring that it's 3 in the morning, I just need to drive.

I back out of the driveway and head for the highway. It's always a little strange driving there without Cole but right now I don't care. I just want to drive with an endless stretch of road in front of me and aerosmith in the background.

I drive for a long time before I allow myself to think about Cole. Now that I've realized I want him it's all I can think about. I hate myself for being so jealous of that girl, I hate myself for letting go when I shouldn't have. I feel the tears well up behind my eyes and I press down harder on the accelerator, determined not to cry.

Dream On by Aerosmith comes on and I sing along, losing myself in the music and the highway.

Every time when I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay I know nobody knows Where it comes and where it goes I know it's everybody sin You got to lose to know how to win

For just a little while I forget. For just a little while it's only me and the highway. For just a little while, all my worries and qualms go away. For just a little while, I forget how confused I am and I just be... just for a little while.

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