Chapter 30

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The month of January passes quickly, we're happy again and everything is good. As we enter into February it's time for softball and baseball to start back up.

"You have to give some super inspiring speech Dylan. You're captain this year and after our first big win you have to give a speech." Carly urges me as we all change clothes after our first game. I roll my eyes but yank a t-shirt on over my head and clamber up onto one of the bleachers anyway.

The whole locker room is pumped after our win tonight so I know that I don't have to say much to keep the high going. "Hey listen up." I call out loudly. Everyone in the room turns to look at me. "Alright, nice job out there ladies. We really kicked their asses." This receives some cheering from the assembled girls.

"I think that I speak for myself and the other seniors when I say that this has been a great way to start off our final season. You guys are awesome and I think that it's going to be a great season. So let's just keep kicking ass!" Everyone cheers as I climb down from the bench.

"Nice speech," Lena says sarcastically. I shove her, "Oh come on, you people put me on the spot, what did you expect." Lena laughs and grabs her bag. "You never cease to amaze us Dyl." She says, handing me my bag.

We head out of the locker room and towards the parking lot with a few of the other girls, all of them teasing me about my lack of speech giving skills.

"Hey, there's my very favorite sister." Kyle's voice calls loudly as we step out of the building. "And my very favorite girlfriend who just so happens to be a bad ass little softball player." Cole says, tossing an arm over my shoulders.

I laugh and lean into him, "Aww, you guys came. I'm so flattered." They both grin, "We wouldn't have missed it." Cole says, kissing my temple. "And now you have to come to our game since we came to yours." Kyle says with a cheeky grin. I just roll my eyes, "Whatever Kyle."

"Hey, we'll catch you later." Lena says. I nod, waving goodbye to her and the other girls as Cole guides me towards his truck. Someone calls Kyle's name from across the lot and after a hurried goodbye he runs to join them, leaving Cole and I to ourselves. Not that I'm complaining.

"You really did play great." Cole says as we continue on towards his truck. "Thanks." I say with a grin, "So what do you want to do?" I ask, as I toss my bag in the back.

He thinks about it and then gets a huge grin on his face, "You know what we haven't done in a while?" I look up at him with a bemused expression and shake my head. "No, what haven't we done?" His grin widens, "Let's go for a drive."

Slowly my smile spreads too, we haven't driven our highway in a long time. "I like the way you think." I say as he opens my door for me. "I like the way I think too." He replies with a grin. I hop into my seat and wait for him to close the door.

When he doesn't, I turn to find him looking at me. "What?" I ask, with a slight smile. He smiles too and leans towards me a little, one hand propped on the frame of the truck and the other on the open door.

"You're beautiful you know." He says softly, reaching out and brushing a strand of hair back from my face, his palm lingering and cupping my cheek. I don't say anything, just smile, as he leans closer, our faces now inches apart.

"I love you Dylan." He says in that same, soft voice. "I love you too." I reply breathlessly. He leans in another fraction of an inch, just teasing me now. "Are you gonna kiss me or not?" I ask as he continues to stare at me, so close that our noses are almost touching.

He laughs and then ever so carefully closes the distance, his lips brushing against mine, softly at first but then a little bit harder. I kiss him back, bringing my hand to the back of his head and pulling him a little closer.

He takes a step forward, one hand finding my waist and the other sliding back to tangle in my hair. His lips part and his tongue brushes against mine, asking permission. I part my own lips, letting his tongue roam around.

I don't know how long we stand there, passionately making out before he pulls back. His hair is messed up and his eyes are full of light, a giddy smile playing across his slightly swollen lips. "Let's go for a drive."


A/N: So I know that this chapter really kind of sucks but I had a tremendous amount of writer's block trying to come up with it. I'm at a point in this story where I'm just kind of stuck. Like, I know where this whole thing is going to end up (the ending is mostly written already) but I'm really struggling to get it there. I feel like the whole thing started out strong and has kind of gone down hill but I think that it will start to pick back up again soon.

With that being said, it's Feburary of their senior year which means it's almost ready to come to a close. I'm not quite sure how many chapters are left but the story is definitly getting ready to wind down soon. Please just continue to stick with it and hopefully you'll like where everything ends up.

Teaser for the next chapter: Dylan gets some exciting news but some people may view it at as a step in the wrong direction.

Thank you for bearing with me through this I really appreciate it. I hope you all have a wonderful week!


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