Chapter 39

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2 Months Later

Cole's POV

I put my hand on the door and will myself to open it. I try with all my might but for some reason I can't do it. I let my hand fall and close my eyes. Why can't I do this? All I have to do is get out of this stupid car and walk into that building and it's done. But something stops me every time.

I think that in my heart I know why I can't do it but my head just can't wrap itself around the idea. I glance over at the passenger seat and I swear that I can see her sitting there. Her feet up on the dash, sunglasses on, singing loudly and off key to the Footloose soundtrack.

I can practically smell her intoxicating scent, hear her laughing, singing... God, I'm going insane. Missing her is driving me insane. Maybe it's the knowledge that she's getting on a plane right now or maybe it's the memory of that awful fight that was never resolved. Maybe it's something else entirely.

Whatever it may be I know that there's no way I'm going to be able to walk into that office and sign my name on that fucking dotted line. I should just give up, turn the car around and go home. But before I do, I reach into the glove box and pull out the Footloose cd that she left in here.

I run my hand along the worn cover and then pop the case open. When I do, something flutters out and falls to the floorboards. I reach down and pick it up, immediately recognizing the familiar handwriting. I slide the cd in the player and then carefully unfold the letter.


    I don't know how to put into words how sorry I am. I know that you probably don't want to hear it, you may not even believe me, but you should know that I am sorry. Beyond any words or thoughts or notions that I could put on this page, I am truly sorry.

I have regretted that argument we had every day since it happened. I never should have asked you to choose between me or your career and as soon as those words left my mouth I wished more than anything that I could take them back... I still do. Unfortunately, I can't do that but I hope that I can somehow, someway make it up to you.

I know that forgiveness takes time and that you may not ever find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did but I truly hope that you do. Despite that, whether you forgive me or not, I want you to know that I will support you, no matter what you choose, I will be behind you whether you want me to be or not.

I hope that someday we can talk through this and work it out. I know that you may not want that and I know that you may not be able to forgive me. And I know that we can't go back to the way things were but I hope that maybe we can move forward and start over as friends. Despite everything that I've done and said I hope that someday we can get back to being some version of us... some version of Dylan and Cole.

I miss you more than you can ever know and I hope that maybe this letter has helped you in your decision either way. Maybe one day you will love me again and maybe not but that's something that I need to work through.

I hope that you are well and may you be blessed in whatever you decide to do and wherever your life takes you. Have a wonderful life Cole and take every opportunity you are given. You are my first love and you will always have a place in my heart. I love you, forever and always,


I feel tears in my eyes and I know that I've made a terrible mistake in letting her go. Dylan... just the thought of her name, knowing that she's no longer mine, causes me so much heart ache. I love her with my whole heart and I know that I have to go get her. I have to make her mine again.

I put the truck in reverse and fly out of the parking lot, I'm Free (Heaven Helps the Man) blasting in the background. I call Annaleigh on my way and have her book a ticket on the next flight out to California. I have to go get my girl.

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