Chapter 17

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"I got in!" Kyle's voice rises above my music. My bedroom door flies open and he runs in, a huge smile on his face. "I got in!" He's practically jumping up and down in front of me. I raise my eyebrow at him, a smile playing at my lips.

He holds up the acceptance letter in his hands, the Florida State Seal visible at the top. I squeal and toss my textbook aside, rising to my knees on the bed. "You got into Florida State?"

He nods vigorously, his grin widening. "Oh my gosh, Kyle!" I squeal again and throw myself at him. He lifts me off the bed and twirls me around in a circle.

Florida is one of the top schools for baseball and was his first choice. "It's full ride too." He says excitedly as he sets me down. "Oh Kyle that's great." He nods, his grin still huge. Movement outside my open window catches both our attentions.

We both turn towards the window as Cole pokes his head outside. "What in the world is going on, I heard squealing?" He asks, a smile lifting the edges of his mouth. I can't stop staring at his mouth...

Kyle holds up his acceptance letter, "Florida State." He says excitedly. Cole lets out a whoop of delight and a full blown grin spreads across his face, "Man that's awesome." Kyle goes to the window and leans out, exchanging a fist bump with Cole.

"We should celebrate the first acceptance out of the three of us." Cole says thoughtfully, leaning back a little. I move over to stand beside Kyle and Cole gives me a flirtatious, knowing smile. I give him a reproachful look, I haven't told Kyle yet and now is not the time.

"We should go to the lake." Says Kyle, totally oblivious. It's late afternoon and a Monday but none of us can pass up a trip to the lake. "Night swimming is the bomb." I offer and then they're both nodding, "Yeah, we leave in 20?" Cole asks, receiving nods from both of us. "Awesome, see you in a few. Congrats again man." With that Cole ducks back in his window and slides it closed.

Kyle hurries off to his room and I go into my closet to change. I pull on a cute floral patterned bikini.

I throw my hair up into a messy bun and slide on a pair of flip-flops

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I throw my hair up into a messy bun and slide on a pair of flip-flops.

I head downstairs and throw sandwiches, water bottles, and chips into a bag before grabbing several towels. Kyle comes bounding down the stairs in a pair of swim trunks and a t-shirt. "Let's get this show on the road." He says, still wearing a huge grin.

We meet Cole outside and pile into the truck, me ending up in the middle again. The entire ride to the lake I'm hyper aware of Cole sitting next to me. Every time his leg brushes against mine tingles run down my spine.

It's not too far to the lake but by the time we get there the sun is almost gone. We all slide out of the truck and quickly eat the sandwiches I packed. When we're done I start putting everything back into the truck and miss the mischievous look exchanged between the boys.

The next thing I know, I'm being swept off my feet. "Hey!" I protest as Kyle grabs my ankles and Cole takes my arms. They're both cackling like maniacs as they carry me, protesting, down to the water. "You two better not throw me in." I shout, granted half heartedly, as they get closer and closer to the water.

I can feel Cole laugh, "We're so throwing you in Dylan, there's no getting out of this." I mutter cuss words under my breath and continue to protest loudly as they wade into the shallow water. "Okay, on 3." Kyle says grinning, "Ready Dyl?"

They start swinging me back and forth as Cole starts counting. "1...2...3" On 3 they release me and I fly out over the water, "You are so going to Hell." I shout as I hit the water.

I come up sputtering to find both of them laughing their heads off and grinning like fools. "I hate you both." I call, swimming towards them. It's not like I wasn't going to get in, it's the principle of things really.

"It's only because we love you Dylan." Cole calls out, giving me a smile that suggest there's a double meaning to his words, a secret shared only between us.

I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks and am thankful for the fading light. I move closer and then start splashing them. An all out water brawl ensues until we're laughing too hard. It's been so long since we all hung out like this, I forgot how much I missed it.

We stay for a long while, splashing each other, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company. Finally Kyle decides we should head back. I grin at Cole and then swim over to him. I jump on his back and wrap my legs around his waist, "Carry me." I squeal, slipping my arms around his neck.

Kyle laughs, having no idea how much both of us are enjoying this. Cole obliges me and I know he's grinning as he carries me out of the water. Kyle follows us out as Cole carries me all the way back to the truck.

When we reach it I hop down and grab two towels out of the back. I toss one to him and then dry off with the other. Once dry I wrap my arms around myself and shiver as the cool air hits my skin.

"You should have brought a shirt." Kyle says. I roll my eyes at him and jump up and down, trying to stay warm while they take their sweet time drying off. "Here." Cole says, reaching behind his seat and throwing a sweatshirt at me.

I slide it on, it's too big but it smells like Cole, like summertime and aftershave. Cole gives me a grin and then opens the passenger door. I smile at him and climb in, Kyle following behind as Cole moves around to the driver's side.

He hops in and starts the truck. As he puts the car in drive his hand brushes against mine. I smile in the darkness and lean back in the seat, knowing there's no place else I'd rather be.

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