Chapter 9

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"See you later Anna." I call out, waving to her as I slide into the truck. Cole says goodbye to his sister and then comes and joins me. "Well that was excruciating." He jokes, I smack his arm as he laughs. "So, do you wanna head home?" He asks, shooting me a sideways look. I groan, "I don't ever want to go home. I know, that's terrible but... it's the truth."

He shrugs, "Eh, I can get that, some days it's really hard to go home. I mean, in theory never having your parent around is great but in reality it kind of sucks. So, I can dig not wanting to go home." I study him for a moment, "Let's just drive, like we used to." He doesn't hesitate, jamming the key in the ignition and backing out of the parking space.

He pulls out of the parking lot and heads out to the two lane highway we used to frequent. We used to just hop in his truck and drive, blasting classic rock and singing at the top of our lungs. We would drive and drive, sometimes we would talk but usually we just let loose, neither of us wanting to look back. Eventually, we would come to an unspoken agreement that we had gone far enough and turn back, but until then it was just the two of us, the stereo, and the open road.

I slide my sunglasses down onto my nose as we turn onto the highway and he accelerates. I reach forward and open the glove box, knowing before I do that there will be a pile of cd's threatening to spill out of it. I sift through the stacks before selecting one and popping it in the cd player, Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" filling the air.

Cole grins and turns up the volume, both of us bobbing our heads as the opening chords strike. I smile as Cole opens his mouth and starts to sing, "Tommy used to work on the docks, Union's been on strike, he's down on his luck it's tough... so tough..."

I laugh and then join in, "Gina works the dinner all day, Working for her man, she brings home her pay for love... for love..." His grin widens as we both anticipate the chorus, when it rolls around we both start singing at the top of our lungs.

"Whoa, we're halfway there, Whoa, livin' on a prayer. Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear. Whoa, livin' on a prayer.." We both laugh and keep singing until the song's over, just like old times. I haven't felt this good in what seems like forever.

We jam out to Bon Jovi for a long time, the atmosphere light hearted and fun. We watch the sun sink lower in the sky, the last light fading out and the stars beginning to wink into existence. "Hey, pull over onto that road." I say suddenly, pointing to a dirt road off to the right.

Cole does as I say, bouncing onto the road. "Let's stargaze." I say with a smile. He pulls the truck over to the side and shuts off the engine. He reaches into the backseat and grabs the blankets he always keeps back there, let's just say we used to do this a lot. With another shared smile we both slide out of the truck and hop into the bed.

Cole spreads out the blanket and we sit down with our backs against the cab and a blanket thrown over our shoulders. I sigh contentedly and settle back, leaning into him. I glance up at his face and see he's smiling, gosh I've missed this.

"I've missed you Dylan," He says after a while, it's like he can read my mind

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"I've missed you Dylan," He says after a while, it's like he can read my mind. "No one else wants to just get in the car and drive... or shares my music taste." I laugh, "Well, no one else gets my need to drive. Sometimes you just have to get away for a little while and you're the only person I want to do that with." I tell him, he smiles at that.

After that we don't talk for a while, sitting in comfortable silence and watching the stars appear. I drop my head onto his shoulder after a while, he shifts so that my head fits perfectly against his shoulder. I can't help but think once again about how much I've missed this, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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