Chapter 10

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Monday morning rolls around and with great effort I drag myself out of bed and get ready for school. By now things have cooled off a bit with my parents but I'm still not talking to my mom.

As I brush the finishing touches of makeup on my face Kyle calls up the stairs, "You better get your butt down here Dyl or we're leaving your ass here." I groan and grab my shoes and bag before sprinting down the stairs, it seems like we're always running late.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I notice Cole standing in the foyer next to Kyle. He shoots me a smile which I quickly return as I yank on my shoes. Kyle grabs his bag and then shoves the door open, "I can't be late again, we're leaving." He says bossily.

Cole and I follow him out the door and over to Cole's truck. We throw our stuff in the back and then clamber in, Kyle making me sit in the middle. I growl at him as he slides in after me and he laughs, "Not my fault you're running late."

I glower but don't dignify this with a response as Cole slides in and starts the car. As soon as he does Bon Jovi starts blasting from the speakers. We exchange a look and start laughing. Kyle looks at us like we're crazy, shaking his head as we start singing at the top of our lungs.

"I will never understand the two of you." He mutters, I throw my arm around his shoulders and practically scream the lyrics of "You Give Love a Bad Name" in his ear. He shoves me off and I laugh. "You know you love us Kyle." Cole says, laughing as well. "Yeah, yeah, remind me never to go on a road trip with you two." He grumbles. We exchange another look and then laugh again, both of us thinking of our frequent road trips out on our highway.

Cole pulls into the school parking lot and takes one of the last senior parking spaces. We all climb out of the truck and head towards the building. Kyle and Cole's popularity earn a few strange looks cast in our direction at the sight of the 3 of us walking in together. Cole and I never hang out, no one really knows what happened between the two of us but they know that we seemed to hate each other so, to them it's strange that we would be together.

We enter the building with 10 minutes to spare before class starts. We head over to the senior corner, a group of lockers solely dedicated to seniors and the most popular senior hang out. My locker's over here so I go over and empty my bag, grabbing the things I need for the first part of the day.

Lena appears at my side, her eyes wide and a slight smile on her face. "What in the world?" She asks, raising her eyebrows and shooting a look towards Cole. I grin at her, "I know, it's been blowing my mind too." She hits me lightly on the arm, "So you guys are just back to normal, like the past 2 years haven't happened?" She asks, her eyebrows rising even higher.

I shrug, I haven't really given that much thought, choosing not to dwell on the last 2 years and just revelling in the happiness I feel at having Cole back. "I don't know, we haven't really talked about that. We've just kind of fallen into our old routine. I mean, I went wedding dress shopping with him and his sister and then out to dinner. We rode to school together, so... I don't know. We're just trying to figure it all out, I don't really know where we stand with each other."

Lena looks at me for a long moment, "Well, I'm glad you guys are friends again." Before she can say anything else a smiling Cole comes over and stands beside me. "Are you guys ready to head to class?" He asks, shooting Lean a smile which she returns quickly. "Yeah, let's go." I say and the 3 of us move off down the hall towards english.


"Okay class, I know that you probably thought I'd read your essays last week but I just got them all graded. I've pulled out a couple that I thought were the best ones and I'm going to read them to you. I won't say names or anything so let's get started." Mrs. Hall says, setting down a thick stack of papers on her desk and grabbing the one off the top.

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